Happy Halloween

Thursday, October 31st, 2019

I’m always surprised by how much I’ve written about Halloween and horror over the years:


  1. Grasspunk says:

    I’m always surprised by how much you’ve written over the years.

  2. Bob Sykes says:

    Not only how much, but how well.

    Thank you!

  3. Isegoria says:

    Thanks, Bob and Grasspunk!

  4. CVLR says:

    No kidding. Your incredible prolificacy has made this site one of the best (I’ve discovered) on the ‘Net.

  5. Isegoria says:

    Thanks, CVLR!

  6. CVLR says:

    You’re very welcome.

    (I’m reading through those articles right now. Great, great stuff.)

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