I just took a look back at my numbers for 2020. Here are the most popular posts during that calendar year, six of which are new, four of which are older:
- Robert Conquest’s Three Laws of Politics
- It is difficult to understand why this should be such a formidable task (new)
- He disappeared into a room, and you didn’t see him again until it was done (new)
- There is no reason for concern (new)
- No One Left to Blame (from 2015, making a comeback)
- It’s a teacher’s dream (new)
- The Bob Rubin Trade
- The Pros and Cons of Empires
- Happy Secession Day! (the newest compilation of Fourth of July posts)
- Freeman Dyson appeared for more esoteric topics (new)
Here are the most popular posts actually from 2020 and not from an earlier year:
- It is difficult to understand why this should be such a formidable task
- He disappeared into a room, and you didn’t see him again until it was done
- There is no reason for concern
- It’s a teacher’s dream
- Happy Secession Day!
- Freeman Dyson appeared for more esoteric topics
- The larger strategic goal was to puncture the myth of communist inevitability
- N95 versus KN95
- Both sons also later attempted suicide
- That place is like Africa Light
Again, I’m not sure what to conclude.
Also, I should thank some of my top referrers: Reaction Times, Western Rifle Shooters Association, Instapundit, Borepatch, and Z Man.