Religious People Are Nerds

Sunday, October 2nd, 2011

Religious people are nerds, according to this thorough analysis:


  1. Erik says:

    The video appears to be broadly interpreting nerds as “non-apathetic people”. But by this analysis, jocks are also nerds. This is a poor definition that doesn’t capture the group being referred to by “nerds” in ordinary usage. It’s as though someone defined “fire” to mean reddish-orange moving things and claiming that his bicycle was made of fire.

  2. Erik says:

    Another problem – the video uses “religious people” to mean approximately “Christians”. Numerous religions aren’t evangelizing. Some don’t even accept converts. Nor do all religions have a sacred scripture to hold proof-texting arguments over.

    The video makes an exemption, too, for “not all religious people, like not this guy”.

    Any one of these could have been understandable, since a lot of humor involves squinting to see how something looks like something else. But with all three objections together, “Religious people are nerds” has turned into “A subset of Christians are passionate”, which isn’t funny to me. The joke just falls flat.

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