Just a Carpetbagger

Wednesday, April 21st, 2010

In Dubai, Keith Yost says, if you’re not an Emirati, you’re just a carpetbagger:

The most accurate way to describe UAE society is to say that it is stratified into a caste-like structure, with Emiratis at the top, western expats beneath them, and eastern expats at the bottom. There is little interaction between the rungs — each member is expected to socialize with his or her own group, and even western expats, who presumably participated in a more egalitarian society in their country of origin, accept the division as natural and desirable.

I enjoyed meeting and talking to other westerners. But it was difficult to shrug off the insidious effects of the caste system. Some of the nicest people I met displayed an almost sociopathic disregard for the eastern expat workers who served them. It was commonplace to verbally abuse cab drivers, make outrageous demands of waitstaff, and generally treat those on the lower rung as mere peons to be ordered about.
The downside of being in a caste system is that as a westerner, I didn’t occupy the topmost rung. A month after I arrived, the government tapped my cell phone. When I tried to leave, immigration services barred me from leaving the country. For such injustices, there is no explanation, no apology. If the monarch wishes to tap your phone, he needs no justification. If you miss your expensive international flight because a bureaucrat decides at the last minute you cannot leave, tough cookie. You’re not a citizen. You’re a hired hand, a temporary servant brought in to fill a gap until a superior Emirati learns how to do your job. I was never treated with malice by an Emirati — they wouldn’t consider me worth the effort. But it was clear that the system — the laws, the government, the society — was not set up for my benefit. I had no rights that they were bound to respect.


  1. Aretae says:

    To listen to the tone of your posts recently, you seem to have shifted to a less-convinced by the Moldbug solution position. There’s a flavor of greater suspicion of top-down solutions, even Monarchist bits. Dubai is just the most recent example. Am I reading you right?

  2. Isegoria says:

    I can’t say I noticed the shift in tone as I was compiling my recent posts, but I suspect that it points to my skeptical nature; I’ve never been fully on board with Moldbug’s absolutist “this will upset the grown-ups” bits.

  3. The epitaph on Moldbug’s grave will read “For Entertainment Purposes Only”.

  4. Tatyana says:

    …and rather exclusive entertainment at that. By the time I reach the middle of his articles (they are not mere “posts”), I’d forgotten, what was the proposition he’s trying to convey.

    I stopped reading him regularly at about time 2Blowhards declined… about 2 years ago.

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