William Arkin is afraid that the Biden administration has squandered the possibility of being a third actor in the Ukraine-Russia war:
The United States has aligned itself 100% with Ukraine. And as a result of that, I don’t see much movement or much interest even on the part of the U.S. government in Washington to be a third party, to actually be a negotiator, to find a peaceful resolution. So, really, no one is playing that role. The United Nations is not playing that role. Sweden is not playing that role anymore, now that it aspires to be a member of NATO. There is no neutral party that really is playing the role of trying to end the conflict between the two parties, who are essentially stalled right now in combat, where there’s not really much movement on either side, but the killing continues.
So, it was the case that in the minds of Russia, the expansion of NATO was provocative and may, in the theory of national security, been a strategic threat to Russia. And it is probably the case that when history is written, we will say that NATO was a little bit too greedy in its zeal to expand into Eastern Europe. But the reality is that that doesn’t excuse the Russian invasion, not in 2014 nor in 2022. And the reality for the CIA is that they need to understand what Putin’s intentions are, not only to understand the implications of Ukraine’s actions, particularly its increasing actions in Crimea and across the border in Russia, but also to understand what it is that Putin will settle for as part of a settlement and also what it is that Zelensky will settle for. So, it’s a tricky situation where I don’t really have a lot of confidence that the CIA is fully on top of what either of these two leaders think.
Arkin misses the point. The US moves heaven and earth to prevent negotiations. Last year in April, 2022, Russia and Ukraine had negotiated a cease fire that would have implemented the Minsk agreements. The point of the SMO was to force Kiev to the negotiating table. And it worked. The deal was cut, and the Russian troops were removed from the Kiev region.
At that point, the US sent Boris Johnson to Kiev to squash the agreement, which he did. Now the goals of the SMO have changed, and Russia seeks the elimination of the Kiev regime and the annexation of parts of Ukraine.
Arkin and other Washington wildlife are woefully ignorant of every that is happening in the world. They are actually delusional. And they are a threat to the existence of civilization.
“I don’t really have a lot of confidence that the CIA is fully on top of what either of these two leaders think.”
Maybe the CIA should read the proposals that Russia made publicly to the US and NATO early last year. It seemed very clear — Russia does not want NATO on its borders in the Ukraine. Kind of similar to the US in JFK’s day not wanting Russian missiles in Cuba.
In the real world, several people have tried to act as a third party to jump start negotiations — Turkey, Israel, China, African nations. The problem is that Zelensky now refuses even to talk until Russia effectively surrenders and agrees to conditions more stringent than the US imposed on defeated Japan after WWII. And Zelensky will go on being unreasonable as long as he thinks that the Biden MalAdministration will keep sending him blank checks.
if the US Political Class could stop being a belligerent, this US/NATO proxy war which is destroying the Ukraine could be brought to a very rapid close. “Our Guys” have blood on their hands.
Seems two corrupt regimes battling each other is a good thing, except for the innocents.
How dumb are these people?
Read up!
Putin is dead. Who cares what Hitler or Stalin think these days? Or Hideki Tojo? Dead would-be conquerors outstay their welcomes and fade into history.
Hu Sun Do: “Putin is dead. Who cares what Hitler or Stalin think these days? Or Hideki Tojo? Dead would-be conquerors outstay their welcomes and fade into history.”
Herr Hitler is the number-one pivotal figure of world history.
Stalin is a respectable number-two.
They will reign supreme until the ethnic and philosophical dispute underpinning the twelve-year thousand-year reich at last finds its final resolution.
Pivotal of what? We talk about Hitler as a freak in a horror show. Stalin almost idem, but his murderous Communist ideology has even more appeal now than in its original form: Marxism.
Herr Hitler was an autistic NEET painter who respected black achievements and was probably (if we’re being honest) a mischling. (Look, nobody’s perfect.) Upon his inconceivably improbable rise to power, he made the exceptionally fatal mistake of daring to issue his own state currency, the ultimate political forbidden fruit, whereupon every other major power on earth, Japan alone excepted, proceeded to zerg rush his smol upstart sovereignty.
Shtalin is significant firstly because he very successfully 10x’d Russian GDP in five years, and secondly because instead of simply shooting his Trotskyist rivals, he let them flee to New York, Chicago, and D.C., where they founded Libertarianism, seized control of U.S. foreign policy, and turned America into the free-market capitalist paradise it is today. He was the cunningest of men.
Maybe you should learn about Templars…
I know all about the Swiss. :3
They posted this just before Clinton slipped on the spray-tan-orange banana peel of fate.