Notable among the names of heroes of the British race is that of Beowulf

Friday, September 16th, 2022

I was recently shocked to realize that I didn’t own a single copy of Beowulf, except for a recent graphic novel adaptation and the short summary provided in Bulfinch’s Mythology. Bulfinch’s introduction is from another era (1867):

Notable among the names of heroes of the British race is that of Beowulf, which appeals to all English-speaking people in a very special way, since he is the one hero in whose story we may see the ideals of our English forefathers before they left their Continental home to cross to the islands of Britain.

It was perfectly natural for an American who lived through the Civil War to refer to the British race.


  1. Mike-SMO says:

    They all go with “White” and wonder why we see “Black”. I don’t care. Mine are from so far East that all we see are Norse, Catholic, Jewish, and Mongol. That may have something to do with the distrust of the Muscovite Mongols. “Fidler…. ” had some nice riffs.

  2. Jim says:

    Accurate enough. The Anglicans are their own special breed.

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