Social scientific works can be a trove of politically incorrect data

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020

Many conservatives credulously believe progressives’ claims that the social sciences vindicate liberal ideology, Steve Sailer says, but social scientific works can be a trove of politically incorrect data:

Here are some striking facts gleaned from [A Peculiar Indifference: The Neglected Toll of Violence on Black America, by conventional liberal criminologist Elliott Currie of UC Irvine]:

Between 2000 and 2018…more than 162,000 black Americans lost their lives to violence…the population of a substantial midsize American city — say Jackson, Mississippi….

As Currie admits, the vast majority of black murder victims are unquestionably killed by other blacks. The criminologist offers a lengthy historical explanation of why that is still, in 2020, the fault of whites (as you no doubt would anticipate, FDR’s redlining plays a role), but the 21st-century empirical data in the book is eye-opening:

In the United States today, a young black man has fifteen times the chance of dying from violence as his white counterpart.

Why do murderous blacks and their victims skew so young? Among whites, “hardened criminals” tend to be considerably older than they are among blacks. Does the violence gap between the races decline with age? It’s an unanswered question whether the racial disparity in homicidal tendencies actually diminishes with increasing age, or whether blacks of criminal inclinations simply tend to wind up dead or in prison earlier than whites do.

Currie goes on:

What makes these disparities even more sobering is that the rates of violent death for white men in the United States are themselves quite high by comparison with those of men in other advanced industrial societies…. The current annual homicide death rate for non-Hispanic white men in the United States, at nearly four per 100,000, is more than five times the rate for all German men, and close to twenty times the rate for men in Japan.

Contrary to the usual assumptions that racial gaps are driven by white bigotry, they tend to be smallest in Southern and old Wild West states, and largest where whites are best-behaved, such as in North-Central blue states:

In the state of Illinois, for instance, the homicide death rate for young African-American men (ages fifteen to twenty-nine) has averaged 143 per 100,000 over the course of the twenty-first century, thirty-seven times the rate for white men the same age.

Surely, though, race is less important than sex when it comes to murder rates?

But so strong is the effect of race that a black woman has half again as much chance of dying by homicide as a white man…. Black women lose far more years of life to homicide than to diabetes—a notorious killer of African-American women.

Moreover, among male victims of domestic murders:

What may be more surprising, though, is that intimate partner violence also contributes to the excess risk faced by black men. Among the male victims…the racial imbalance was even more striking than among female ones: nearly half of the men who died in these incidents of intimate partner violence were black.


  1. Kirk says:

    The skew can be explained easily, once you consider that the majority of social “science” is conducted by, for, and in the interests of the Democrat/Socialist party block. This has been true since Wilson, continued on until reaching the final form under LBJ, wherein the credulous and simple blacks of America were taken in, once again, by the party of their former slavemasters. This time, however, the Democrats were far more cunning, and they did what Margaret Sanger recommended, co-opting the black leadership to support and help emplace the pernicious policies that were against their own self-interest.

    Scratch a Democrat, find a racist. It’s been like that forever, and will continue onwards into the future until the rest of us wise up and deal with them accordingly.

    It is quite delicious how they’ve weaponized it all, though. I can’t think of another political ju-jitsu move anywhere else in my reading of history that even comes close–If you interview the average American, they think that Lincoln was a Democrat, and that the Republicans were the ones leading the filibuster against civil rights.

    Which is one reason I’ve pretty much written off “black America” as being at all viable. In general terms, they’re unable to recognize who their real friends and enemies are, and continuously act against their own self-interest. Only the Palestinians are ahead of them in terms of missed opportunities to prosper…

  2. VXXC says:

    Nothing has been said here nor I doubt in that book I haven’t been reading or hearing, or discussed the last half century, or longer. I’m 50+.

    This is the way things are, accept them and move on.

    Take people as they are, or do not, but they will not change.

    The only racism involved is trying to change them, or the Iraqis, or the Afghans…or…the American Indian’s. That’s how how long this has been going on, and of course the English didn’t have much luck making the Irish ‘white’ either.

  3. Wang Wei Lin says:

    “What makes these disparities even more sobering is that the rates of violent death for white men in the United States are themselves quite high by comparison with those of men in other advanced industrial societies… The current annual homicide death rate for non-Hispanic white men in the United States, at nearly four per 100,000, is more than five times the rate for all German men, and close to twenty times the rate for men in Japan.” ??

    FBI crime stats as I recall show blacks kill whites more than whites kill blacks or more than whites kill whites. There’s the reason, but it’s against the narrative.

  4. Altitude Zero says:

    The Non-Hispanic White murder rate, when you take the time to dope it out, is about 2.2/100,000, not “nearly four per 100,000″, which is actually lower than some European countries, and that’s not even correcting for European countries being significantly older, and hence less violent. I have no idea where that “nearly four” number came from, but if it’s accurate, it’s because, as Wang Wei Lin points out, of blacks and Hispanics murdering whites. Blaming whites for getting themselves murdered by blacks has got to be the ultimate in Leftist “social science”

  5. Ezra says:

    It must not be forgotten the FBI relies on the state reporting. In Texas for instance until recently and maybe even now a mestizo Mexican was counted as a white man. Other states too I assume.

  6. Kirk says:

    The other question is, how many of those “whites” are actually, y’know… White?

    The assholes doing these statistics have a rather nasty habit of categorizing people in ways that make no damn sense whatsoever. Friend of mine was from New Mexico, and has family history there going back to before the American Revolution. In fact, I think he can document his Spanish ancestors (who were likely crypto-Jews that hid out on the farthest frontiers of the Spanish empire…) being in New Mexico well before the Mayflower.

    He’s also pretty much pure white as the driven snow; his family did not go in for marrying the local Indio girls, importing women from back in Spain until there were enough non-Indians around. So, he’s historically white, ethnically white, and from a family that runs to a lot of blondes. Surname is suitably Spanish, though, so he’s lumped in with “Hispanic” on the rolls. You have no idea how much that enrages his family, either–I met his father, the issue came up, and I got to witness a total loss of composure. And, because of the Army having classified his son as “Hispanic”, calls were made to the family’s congressional delegation. Whole thing was nuts, TBH.

    Anyway, the way they decide what’s white and what isn’t is entirely crazed. It’s not like there’s a test, either–You can self-declare yourself as Hispanic on the slightest pretext, and I’ve seen guys do that and get away with it. Same-same with black and white… You’ve no idea how many people are taking advantage of the minority set-asides until you start really looking at people and going “Really? You’re… Black?”. One guy I knew claimed it because he had a single black ancestor from back around 1600 that the family had documented, and that particular black was a fairly well-off merchant in London that specialized in North African medicines. No history of slavery here in America, at all–But, he damn sure benefited from claiming that status. Reality was, dude was probably paler white than I am, and could not tan for shit, being a natural redhead.

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