If you haven’t read the Damore vs Google Class Action Lawsuit, you really should. It’s pretty disturbing — yet perfectly believable.
If you haven’t read the Damore vs Google Class Action Lawsuit, you really should. It’s pretty disturbing — yet perfectly believable.
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To quote The Z Man: “Google now resembles an adult daycare center where mentally disturbed women terrorize the few people doing real work.”
By the way, this whole human resources dynamic is reminiscent of the good old times in eastern block countries, where companies were mandated to have political commissars, a political position parallel to the director, staffed by the communist party. Their job was to uphold the socialist spirit, enforce ideological conformity and to make sure nobody in the workforce stepped out of line. Things which “chief diversity officers” or “inclusion directors” now seem to be doing. And instead of quota hires, there were workers who were in the party. Good luck complaining about them slacking off, or outright stealing, to your politkomisar!