The beat-boxing and ghetto music ruined this for me, just like that cringe-worthy “everything is awesome” dubstep song ruined The Lego Movie. What a horrible, horrible song. I bet it’s played ironically on a loop in hell!
Well, at least Will Arnett has found something to do, he was great in Arrested Development. I didn’t know he was married to Amy Poeler for eleven years.
Jim: “Immigration” is a false category. It does not exist. It has never existed. The second-generation “immigrants” are of exactly the same race as their parents. Only intermarriage (hybridization) has ever worked, and because intermarriage (hybridization) erases two old races to conceive one new race, without strong subsequent selection the new race will tend to be degenerate of its two parental races owing to detrimental variance.
Jim R.: T. Beholder says: “And since FBI crowd obviously should know this, the referred article is a part of some smoke-and-mirrors initiative.” Why, yes, it would seem that the FBI is indeed aware of this, since the article itself mentions the FBI investigating theft of uniforms from dry cleaners. The Ellifritz article isn’t written for the FBI, it is written to make the average Joe aware of the possibility, and give useful info that may help spot an impostor. There is publicly...
Bruce: In the before time it was accepted that mental work caused mental strain.
Mike in Boston: Two of the sanest, most down-to-earth women I know are not at all intellectual. And yet their views on politics, sexuality, and gender roles would be considered extremely right wing and retrograde by most of their female American contemporaries. That’s because they grew up in developing countries (one in Europe, one in Asia) where those views are mainstream.
McChuck: Easier answer – female intellectuals are crazy because most women are crazy, and because most “intellectualsR 21; are crazy, unintelligent leftists.
T. Beholder: So one gang had pants on the head, and the other… had pants on the head. Or, to clickb8 it up… Totsk maneuvers vs. Project 57: the Ghoul Olympics.
T. Beholder: TRX says: There’s a uniform supply store not far from me. […] They will sell them to anyone. And since FBI crowd obviously should know this, the referred article is a part of some smoke-and-mirrors initiative.
TRX: There’s a uniform supply store not far from me. They sell uniforms to match several local PDs, the county, and state police, as well as for various security guard agencies. They will sell them to anyone. You can also buy uniforms from various internet sources, including eBay and Amazon. You can also buy light bars, whip antennas,cockpit divider screens, gun or radio mounts, and PIT bars for your older full-size car or modern SUV. Couple that with waaayyy too many “Law Enforcement...
Isegoria: I have to assume that decision, to wear a German uniform in WW2 London, was arrived at in a pub — either on a dare or after losing a bet.
Albion: A relative of mine told me that in WW2, there were so many uniforms being worn in London by both UK and overseas forces that when one guy dressed himself in a German uniform and wandered around no-one took any notice.
Jim: The most subversive and dangerous terrorists in uniform are the “legitimate” ones.
Jim: To make any real change, the municipal corporation pretending to the government of New York City would need to be able to (a) competently and non-corruptly organize infrastructural development and (b) modify, or credibly threaten to unilaterally modify, real (land) titles. This is impossible in a land of lawyers, which is why the first Americans made it illegal to practice law in America.
Gaikokumaniakku: “Axe as an example of a military technology ignoramus. Axe is also blind to the realities of the war and thinks Ukraine can win.” It’s probably his terrible body spray. It kills brain cells.
Gaikokumaniakku: Mainstream culture has indeed erased spirituality, but many, many subcultures have been fighting for decades. To take a convenience sample: 1. The punk-rock culture jammers of the 1970s told people to be ashamed of consumerism and to kill their televisions. 2. The Christian Right was hanging on by its fingernails for years, but it has been getting stronger lately. 3. The “Loompanics libertarians” of the pre-WWW era latched onto hundreds of privacy-protecting anonymity...
TRX: Citizens: “We want more and better roads so we can go about our lawful affairs.” NYC: “Best we can do is tolls and mass transit.”
T. Beholder: Sounds reasonable. Now let me test understanding of the neo-Laputian procedures. Once this thing is in place and mostly debugged, mission creep will go on, until all references to “congestion” are stretched to breaking. Then it will be renamed, while the shearing business will continue to expand. Until it hits hard enough that even the professors and State Department types feel it. At which point gasps will be emitted as it will be found to have gone too far. Perhaps the matchboxes EV will...
Jim: Yes, drones are more accurately modeled as short-lived, vastly more capable mines than as fighters, bombers, artillery, or rifles. The next great innovations will be in weatherproofing, hibernation duration, and fully autonomous friend-or-foe target identification. The “stealth” characteristic of drones is in the nature of ambush: length of time spent waiting before activation, distance to target, and speed of drone. Observability in flight is not irrelevant but is relatively unimportant.
Roy in Nipomo: I have seen where the Russians have their fiber cable drones perch-and-wait for targets. They are not jammable, but their tether is finite in length and prone to snagging. Perch-and-wait gives them the best of both worlds (though a spotter drone above is useful).
T. Beholder: The strikes have raised the cost of Russian bomber sorties targeting Ukrainian cities, and depressed oil production in a country that utterly relies on energy exports for state revenue. What country has significant part of its oil production within 1,200 miles of there?
Bob Sykes: Andrei Martyanov regularly uses Axe as an example of a military technology ignoramus. Axe is also blind to the realities of the war and thinks Ukraine can win.
The beat-boxing and ghetto music ruined this for me, just like that cringe-worthy “everything is awesome” dubstep song ruined The Lego Movie. What a horrible, horrible song. I bet it’s played ironically on a loop in hell!
Well, at least Will Arnett has found something to do, he was great in Arrested Development. I didn’t know he was married to Amy Poeler for eleven years.