Metformin is for fat, sick people

Saturday, January 2nd, 2016

Metformin is for fat, sick people, Mangan concludes:

As is the case with normal lab reference ranges, metformin may help people who are fat and sick, which is almost everyone these days. Two thirds of the people in the U.S. are overweight or obese, most don’t exercise, and they eat processed junk out of boxes and bags. They take lots of prescription drugs.

These people aren’t capable of fighting aging and disease except with a pill.

If you exercise vigorously and regularly (especially strength training), incorporate an intermittent fasting regimen into your health practices, drink coffee, tea, and red wine, take supplements like aspirin and curcumin, and eat a relatively low-carbohydrate diet, is metformin going to increase your lifespan? That seems very doubtful.

If you’re fat, diabetic, and sedentary, and totally unwilling to make any changes in your lifestyle, will metformin help? Probably yes.


  1. Bob Sykes says:

    It helped me, but losing 30 lbs cured the problem.

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