Michael Yon shared a sad photo from the aftermath of the attack and went on to make this point:
We are at war.
We must retrain our minds that we are not sheep to be slaughtered.
An attack like this would never have been so successful in Israel.
The Israelis would have slaughtered them with bricks and whatever was at hand. This might explain at least in part why hijackers do not go for El Al, the Israeli airline.
There is no chance that an airplane full of Israelis will go down to hijackers without a fight.
There are endless examples throughout time of bum-rushing an armed attacker and succeeding. Some of our troops recently did this on a train and were lauded as heroes in France.
Another US veteran recently did this during a school shooting in America. He got shot up, but he broke the attack.
In the US and British militaries, if you are caught in a close ambush, you are taught and trained to immediately fight into it. Remember — you are in their kill zone. They prepared in advance. Your best chance is to bust their plan to pieces. Waiting for them to run out of ammo is not a plan.
Aggression. Ask a Marine infantry NCO or Officer what his plan is should he not know what to do and find himself confused. His answer will be ATTACK! Because attack is what works most often. It does not always work, but when you find yourself in a terrorist attack, your day is already going down the pipes. Your schedule just changed.
On 9/11, passengers on the first aircrafts that crashed, our good people, did not know what was happening so they perished like sheep. If they knew what was coming, no doubt they would have attacked like wolves. But on the last airplane, Americans figured it out and bum-rushed the terrorists. The airplane still crashed and they all died, but they thwarted the attack and may have saved hundreds or even thousands of others.
Of course if the attacker is wearing a suicide belt, you may die. Come to grips with it. We all die. If not now, it is coming later. If he is carrying an AK-47 or a sword, you may die. Okay. Escape, hide, or attack. Do not wait to be slaughtered.
First option — unless you are law enforcement or a Soldier — is to escape. Second option is to hide. Final option, kill that son of a bitch. Bum-rush him.
Take his rifle and shoot him in the head.
He might be wearing a vest — when you are very close shoot his head twice and keep moving. If the rifle is out of ammo, kill him with the rifle butt or something else. Smash with all of your strength.
No time for hogtying him. There might be other terrorists and there is no time for pleasantries. Just kill him and keep your weapon pointed at potential enemies. Be very careful not to cause innocent casualties. Can be hard to do.
For targets father away, aim center mass and fire.
Look for other attackers to shoot. Shoot them all. Take their weapons and reload and look for other attackers to shoot. Let others do first aid. You are now a Soldier and must defend those who are giving aid until the police come — and when the police come, get away from those weapons!
Tell the cops what happened. Go home. Take a long shower. And get some rest.
Visualize yourself doing this. Mentally prepare yourself to fight and kill him by any means at your disposal, including smashing his head in with a fire extinguisher, which can also be used as a “smoke screen.” Be prepared to kill and to die doing it.
It is largely our plan in the West at the moment.
We really have to become more martial; just a fact of life in a crowded world. It would be nice to have more space between people; so one could see trouble coming; and be farther away from it in the first place. But, alas, the womb and all that.
Our central authorities want to have the monopoly power on violence, and take credit for “keeping us safe” (Jeb Bush, circa 2015); but they might have to share.
Kids at school get taught to not fight back and to call the teacher instead. When I hear of these attacks, that’s what I think of — a young population trained to be passive.
From Vox Day:
James LaFond weights in:
Even more LaFond, paraphrased:
And yes we are at war, but at war like with poverty and drugs, the keep it going so the money keeps flowing sort of war.
Life imitating art in France:
Police fired 5000 rounds (for two kills) in Paris Saint-Denis raid
That’s funny because they use Ruger Minis, the A-Teams firearm!
“For when you don’t really want to hit the target, just somewhere close to it.”
From the American Rifleman:
“As Americans are shocked and horrified by the carnage of another extremist Islamic attack in Paris—this one far worse than the Charlie Hebdo and Kosher market massacres—one of America’s most popular rifles is once again on the frontline in the war against terror. And it’s not a gun familiar from the nightly news. That gun is a nearly 30-year-old variant of the Ruger Mini-14 called the Mousqueton A.M.D., the latter is an abbreviation for Armement Moyen de Défense. The veteran rifles from Ruger have appeared on broadcasts around the world in hands of helmeted French police. And the guns are typically older than many of officers carrying them.”
Tho some are now equipped with another oldie, the Spaghetti Uzi.
The French security forces need visualizing training pronto! Is Michael Yon free?
Maybe The Secret should be required reading as well.
I think that LaFond comment has a lot to offer, as usual, but it’s over the top about France’s ghastly imperialist sins by starting the clock at 1830 and running it to the 1960s. From the 1830s the French were “slaughtering and terrorizing” Muslim people in the rather narrow confines of Algeria. They didn’t get much farther than that for 50 more years, and not into the Middle East as its rulers until 1918–19. That at least ought to limit the temporal and geographic scope for grievances against France.
Also, who says the clock starts in 1830? Perhaps some earlier consideration of the history of Muslim North Africa might be in order.
War and imperialism are what they are, but there is no reason to characterize Muslims at any point in time as vast nations of put-upon innocents.