Except the part where that’s the story of feminism, only in real life the giant apologized for knocking down the church, then was tackled and beaten by other giants, and then the town took all the credit for being ‘strong’ and ‘independent.’ Meanwhile a second town was worshiping a giant that had rolled a boulder over a third town on purpose.
Jim: This sort of thing is only happening because, on this day twenty-three years ago, a group of terrorists knocked down three buildings with two airplanes in New York, and disappeared fifty tons of aluminum and steel into an office at the Pentagon. May God have mercy on us all.
T. Beholder: “As the performance of U.S. tank crews in the Gulf War demonstrated…” They fought Soviet tank divisions in the Gulf War? “Russian tanks break down, on average, every 250 kilometers. Western vehicles last about 300 kilometers.” M-m-m… metadata?
Phileas Frogg: Might explain why my household’s radical diet shift about 4 years ago produced a rather unexpected result: None of us get sunburned anymore. We thought it was seed oil, but this may be a contributing factor…
Jim: For the avoidance of doubt, in the category of bureaucrat I include all holders of bar cards. The pretence that attorneys exist in a quantum superposition of public agent and private principal until it is discovered which status benefits them more is ridiculous and absurd.
Jim: Dueling is as American as apple pie. Alexander Hamilton himself died in a duel. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Right to Fight any bureaucrat to the death in the name of Manly Honor.
Jim: Yours Truly: As an antiwhite racist, what if America’s real problem is that white men between fifteen and thirty don’t have the stones to use America’s guns for anything more than cheap entertainment? As a problack, antiwhite racist, when I contemplate that the bureaucrats are, to a low-T man and high-T woman, physically cowardly poltroons, my mind is completely and utterly boggled to imagine America as it would be were they in the slightest danger of catching a stray fist or accidental discharge...
Don in Oregon: This is why the WWII Jeep weighed 2000 lbs.
Jim: The purpose of a system is what it does. The powers that be desire to more thoroughly institutionalize the public children. Thus, the schools are made ever more thoroughly into prisons, aesthetically, functionally, and socially. Stupidity is insufficient to explain why, for example, the U.S. government makes you take your shoes off at the airport because an Arab boarded an airliner in Paris with an explosive in his shoe twenty-three years ago. Why does the U.S. government scan your naked body or...
Jim: Bob Sykes: America does not have a gun problem. It has a black problem. Over 55% of all gun murders, and over 75% of all mass shootings are committed by underclass black men between 15 and 30. Without young black men, America’s crime statistics would be pretty close to Switzerland’s. People like Zaid Jilani are a major problem themselves, as they are committed to obscuring the problem and diverting attention away from the cause, which is black genetics. As an antiwhite racist, what if America’s real...
Roy in Nipomo: The inclusion of “stand your ground” when discussing murder seems to be an attempt to preclude self-defense.
McChuck: The RAND corporation is wholly Leftist, and the conclusions it arrives upon are those it was paid to produce.
Bob Sykes: America does not have a gun problem. It has a black problem. Over 55% of all gun murders, and over 75% of all mass shootings are committed by underclass black men between 15 and 30. Without young black men, America’s crime statistics would be pretty close to Switzerland’s. People like Zaid Jilani are a major problem themselves, as they are committed to obscuring the problem and diverting attention away from the cause, which is black genetics.
Jim: Respectfully, the Gnomes of Zürich are unlikely to have “eagerly acquiesc[ed]” to the surrender of their ancient, cherished neutrality. Let’s not blame the presumed victims of vaguely articulated threats of bunker-busting nuclear rain for their submission to FATCA et al. For Americans, of course, the tragedy is in how the set of U.S. persons can be implicitly expanded or contracted to a truly shocking degree according with the objectives of the executive agency in question.
Phileas Frogg: Jim, That’s true, on both counts, but with regard to the second we’ll see if Switzerland and its reputation can survive the present imperial hubris inspiring the dictate’s coming from Washington, to which it appears to be eagerly acquiescing. There is still time to salvage their traditional neutrality, and the strength prestige it afforded them, but the portents are certainly disfavorable. https://www.nato.int/cps /en/natohq/news_213105.h tm?selectedLocale=en...
Buckethead: Isegoria, you seem to have a disappearing comment issue.
Brod Ross: I your interested in this subject Mail me. B
I did enjoy that.
Except the part where that’s the story of feminism, only in real life the giant apologized for knocking down the church, then was tackled and beaten by other giants, and then the town took all the credit for being ‘strong’ and ‘independent.’ Meanwhile a second town was worshiping a giant that had rolled a boulder over a third town on purpose.