Latinos set to surpass whites in California in March

Wednesday, February 5th, 2014

The Latino population is projected to surpass the white population in California in March:

State demographers expected Latinos to surpass the non-Hispanic white population seven months earlier, but Latino birth rates were lower than anticipated. Now, officials say, by March Latinos will make up 39 percent of California’s population, edging out non-Hispanic whites at 38.8 percent. Nearly 25 years ago, non-Hispanic whites made up 57 percent of the state, while Latinos made up 26 percent.


  1. Al Fin says:

    Does anyone know what the term “Hispanic” really means? Even “state demographers” would have to scratch their heads over that one, if they ever stopped to think.

    SF Chronicle writers obviously never stop to think. And they would be offended if their readers were to ever call them on it.

    With even California Asians now scrambling to have themselves classified as a disadvantaged minority, California politics is entering into a confusingly fractal phase.

  2. Isegoria says:

    The Wikipedia entry for Hispanic is unintentionally comical: “However, the U.S. Census Bureau definition states that Hispanics or Latinos can be of any race, any ancestry, any ethnicity.”

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