Train yourself to thrive on stress

Monday, December 2nd, 2013

You should train yourself to thrive on stress:


  1. T. Greer says:

    I started this video with the mute button on. Notice weird things when you have to pick up the message just on visual cues.

    Example: the lady trying to teach me how to thrive on stress does not look genuinely happy. Or healthy, for that matter.

    Thriving indeed.

  2. Kudzu Bob says:

    She’s obviously a Reptoid shape-shifter, and the NPR-llistening, Slate-reading, Whole Foods-shopping folks in that TED audience are her zombified hypno-slaves. Things are proceeding according to plan.

  3. Spandrell says:

    Coming soon:
    Train yourself to thrive in bondage.
    Train yourself to thrive with low wages.
    Train yourself to thrive in celibacy.

  4. Best part of the video was the first few seconds: sponsored by Goldman Sachs. Priceless.

  5. Isegoria says:

    She may be a nervous Reptoid shape-shifter, but her line of thinking does resemble both ancient Stoicism and modern mental training for competitive sports.

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