LAX Shooting

Saturday, November 2nd, 2013

This may be the take-away from the LAX shooting:

Saryan said he was “cowering in a corner” when the gunman came over and asked whether he was with the TSA, even though he was in street clothes.

“He was calm. He was walking slowly,” Saryan said. “He must have felt that he was in control, because he had his weapon and nobody else did at that time.”

The small-caliber rounds used in modern “assault” rifles have a reputation for leaving tiny “ice pick” wounds in arms and legs:

Brian Adamick, an accountant who was waiting for a flight to Chicago, spoke with a TSA agent with a leg wound on one of the buses that sped to the tarmac to evacuate passengers taking cover there.

“His right ankle is injured and he gets on and sits in the seat next to me, and I said, ‘Are you OK?’ He said: ‘I’m fine. I got shot. Don’t worry, I’ve been shot before,’” Adamick told NBC News in a telephone interview.

“I said, let me take a look, and he pulls up the pant leg and there’s a flesh wound — 3 to 4 inches — looks like it’s straight out of Hollywood, maybe a drop of blood or two,” he said.

The shooter was suicidal, but he didn’t want to shoot innocent people — just TSA agents.


  1. From the article:

    “A man carrying… an assault rifle”

    “.223-caliber semi-automatic assault-style rifle”

    “more than 100 rounds that could’ve literally killed everybody in that terminal today”

    Here we go again.

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