Culture is Upstream from Politics

Monday, September 23rd, 2013

Andrew Breitbart described himself as an “accidental culture warrior”:

Breitbart — web entrepreneur, writer, provocateur, television personality — did a lot of things. But for the Right, by far the most important thing he did was teach, again and again and again, that culture is upstream from politics.

Breitbart knew instinctively, as people in Washington and most other places did not, that movies, television programs, and popular music send out deeply political messages every hour of every day. They shape the culture, and then the culture shapes politics. Influence those films and TV shows and songs, and you’ll eventually influence politics.

The Left had known that for generations, but on the Right, so many people in politics thought only about politics. To Breitbart, that was folly. “The people who have money, every four years at the last possible second, are told, ‘You need to give millions of dollars, because these four counties in Ohio are going to determine the election,’” Breitbart told the National Policy Council in October 2009. “I am saying, why didn’t we invest 20 years ago in a movie studio in Hollywood, why didn’t we invest in creating television shows, why didn’t we create institutions that would reflect and affirm that which is good about America?”


  1. Remember Committee of Public Safety Blog’s CPSOT stack?


    I’m not sure its quite as simple as that, and I would add “Genetics” to the top of the stack, but it’s miles ahead of most thinking on the subject.

  2. Alexander Irwin says:

    There should be multiple stacks: elite CPSOT operates before mass culture even begins to form.

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