Friday, August 23rd, 2013

Kevin Kelly watched The Hobbit in the theater and then went back and watched the high-frame-rate (HFR) version, which seemed shockingly different. No one could explain to him why it seemed so different, until he met John Knoll the co-creator of Photoshop and an Oscar-winning Visual Effects Director — whose explanation he paraphrases:

Imagine you had the lucky privilege to be invited by Peter Jackson onto the set of the Hobbit. You were standing right off to the side while they filmed Bilbo Baggins in his cute hobbit home. Standing there on the set you would notice the incredibly harsh lighting pouring down on Bilbo’s figure. It would be obviously fake. And you would see the makeup on Bilbo’s in the harsh light. The text-book reason filmmakers add makeup to actors and then light them brightly is that film is not as sensitive as the human eye, so these aids compensated for the film’s deficiencies of being insensitive to low light and needing the extra contrast provided by makeup. These fakeries were added to “correct” film so it seemed more like we saw. But now that 48HFR and hi-definition video mimic our eyes better, it’s like we are standing on the set, and we suddenly notice the artifice of the previously needed aids. When we view the video in “standard” format, the lighting correctly compensates, but when we see it in high frame rate, we see the artifice of the lighting as if we were standing there on the set.

Knoll asked me, “You probably only noticed the odd lighting in the interior scenes, not in the outdoors scenes, right?” And once he asked it this way, I realized he was right. The scenes in the HFR version that seemed odd were all inside. The landscape scenes were stunning in a good way. “That’s because they didn’t have to light the outside; the real lighting is all that was needed, so nothing seemed amiss.”

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