Sun Gym Gang

Friday, April 19th, 2013

The TV show 48 Hours is covering the Sun Gym Gang, the inspiration for the new movie, Pain and Gain, featuring the Rock and Mark Wahlberg.

This lengthy Miami New Times story (parts 1, 2, 3) goes into the gruesome details of the original crimes, which took place in the mid-1990s.

An anonymous conservative returned to the story recently and didn’t find it nearly as comical as he’d remembered:

This was a case study in how stupid, mentally-damaged people can take down the smart, by exhibiting a level of stupidity that is not plausibly believable. You would never think someone would do things that are so stupid. You can walk out the door with them, thinking they would never kill you, because they were just seen with you in front of your neighbors, your cleaning lady, and your personal mechanic. Who would kill you after being seen with you in front of all those witnesses? The answer is, they would, because when dealing with the mentally damaged, there are no rules, and there is no logic. Next thing you know, your headless torso is sticking out of a chemical drum, while these tools argue over whether the chainsaw which is clogged with all your hair is returnable, since it did advertise that it would handle all of a customer’s cutting needs, and it clearly failed to effectively dismember your body.

You don’t want the attention of the wrong kind of people.

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