After Columbine, police trainer Ron Borsch analyzed more than 90 active-shooter incidents and, based on the following findings, made the case for single-officer entry against active killers without waiting for back-up:
- 98% of active killers act alone.
- 80% have long guns, 75% have multiple weapons (about 3 per incident), and they sometimes bring hundreds of extra rounds of ammunition to the shooting site.
- Despite such heavy armaments and an obsession with murder at close range, they have an average hit rate of less than 50%.
- They strike “stunned, defenseless innocents via surprise ambush. On a level playing field, the typical active killer would be a no-contest against anyone reasonably capable of defending themselves.”
- “They absolutely control life and death until they stop at their leisure or are stopped.” They do not take hostages, do not negotiate.
- They generally try to avoid police, do not hide or lie in wait for officers and “typically fold quickly upon armed confrontation.”
- 90% commit suicide on-site. “Surrender or escape attempts are unlikely.”