Armageddon 1958

Monday, November 21st, 2011

What would all-out nuclear war have looked like 50 years ago?, Richard Fernandez asks:

It would have been fought with thousands of missiles and jet bombers sortieing from hundreds of airbases controlled by teleprinters, conference calls and video-link. Data would have been assessed on giant white boards and summarized in face-to-face briefings. At least one vision of how it would have played out is depicted in the 1958 Strategic Air Command simulation of a central nuclear war with the Soviet Union…

The men who produced the simulation unwittingly left a testimonial to their greatest achievement, which, in retrospect, at least rivals the achievement of the Greatest Generation. It was the generation that successfully did not fight their war. We have not had a general war in nearly three generations. In the last reel, one of the fictional generals says, “we failed in our primary mission, but succeeded in our secondary mission, that of destroying the enemy.” In actuality, their achievement was far greater. By luck or skill, they led us through the valley of the shadow of death to the 21st century.

They did it in part by staring unblinkingly at the facts; by refusing to boggle at incredible quantities and incalculable dangers and refusing to hide them. The men of 50 years ago all knew that to keep war in bounds you had to keep death plainly in sight. You had to leave a giant memento mori, in the shape of a special colored phone, on the President’s and Premier’s desk. A reminder against the possibility they might forget and grow proud; when sweet words like R2P and kinetic military action, not terrible war, would creep into their speech. Deterrence succeeded in part because it never lost sight of what the professionals always knew: the root of war was in the heart of man. It was never in the weapons.


  1. David Foster says:

    “Weapons designers play the societal role of witches in fairy tales–we scare people into behaving”

    — a Los Alamos scientist

    See my post on deterrence.

  2. Johnny Abacus says:

    “The root of war was in the heart of man. It was never in the weapons.”

    This is true when the length of a war is measured in weeks. As the time drops to minutes, it runs head first into Hanlon’s Razor.

    Thankfully for all of us, Stanislav Petrov made the correct decision.

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