Scientists develop high-yield deep water rice

Friday, August 21st, 2009

Japanese scientists have developed high-yield deep-water rice:

According to the report, as water levels rise, accumulation of the plant hormone ethylene activates the SNORKEL genes, making stem growth more rapid. When the researchers introduced the genes into rice that does not normally survive in deep water, they were able to rescue the plants from drowning.

Motoyuki Ashikari, who headed the project, said his team is hoping to use the gene on long grain rice widely used in Southeast Asia to help stabilize production in flood-prone areas where rice with the flood-resistant gene is low in production — about one-third to one-quarter that of regular rice.

“Scientifically, the gene that we found is rare but clear proof of a biological ability to adapt to a harsh environment,” he said. “It’s a genetic strategy specifically to survive flooding.”

Ashikari said his team already successfully tested the gene on a Japanese “Japonica” rice, and his team now plans to create a flood-resistant long grain rice in three to four years for use in countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Cambodia.

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