Paraplegic Man Suffers Spider Bite, Walks Again

Saturday, March 14th, 2009

David Blancarte crashed his motorcycle 21 years ago, and since the crash he was confined to a wheelchair — until he got bit by a brown recluse spider:

A Brown Recluse sent him to the hospital, then to rehab for eight months.

“I’m here for a spider bite. I didn’t know I would end up walking,” says David.

A nurse noticed David’s leg spasm and ran a test on him.

“When they zapped my legs, I felt the current, I was like ‘whoa’ and I yelled,” he says.

He felt the current and the rush of a renewed sense of hope.

“She says,’your nerves are alive. They’re just asleep’,” explained David.

Five days later David was walking.

“I was walking on the bar back and forth,” he said.

Now David is out of the hospital and on his feet and walking.

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