The Road to Hell Is Paved

Saturday, November 1st, 2008

The Road to Hell Is Paved, John Baden notes, with good intentions. To get a good handle on how the world really works, he recommends three books:

  1. Modernization and the Structure of Societies, by Marion J. Levy
  2. Knowledge And Decisions, by Thomas Sowell
  3. How Societies Change, by Daniel Chirot

For a taste of Levy’s thought, enjoy his Nine Laws of the Disillusionment of the True Liberal:

  1. Large numbers of things are determined, and therefore not subject to change.
  2. Anticipated events never live up to expectations.
  3. That segment of the community with which one has the greatest sympathy as a liberal inevitably turns out to be one of the most narrow-minded and bigoted segments of the community. (Marion Stanley Kelley, Jr.’s Reformulation: Last guys don’t finish nice.)
  4. Always pray that your opposition be wicked. In wickedness there is a strong strain toward rationality. Therefore there is always the possibility, in theory, of handling the wicked by outthinking them.
    • Corollary One: Good intentions randomize behavior.
      • Subcorollary One: Good intentions are far more difficult to cope with than malicious behavior.
    • Corollary Two: If good intentions are combined with stupidity, it is impossible to outthink them.
  5. In unanimity there is cowardice and uncritical thinking.
  6. To have a sense of humor is to be a tragic figure.
  7. To know thyself is the ultimate form of aggression.
  8. No amount of genius can overcome a preoccupation with detail.
  9. Only God can make a random selection.

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