The only solution is a higher power

Thursday, August 14th, 2008

If the San Francisco Police Department was as high-handed and above the law as the paramilitary gangs it (in theory) opposes, Mencius Moldbug notes, even an open-minded progressive would agree that the only solution is a higher power: the National Guard:

The reality is that almost every country in the world today — and certainly every major American city — could use a solid dose of martial law.

Because all are beset by criminal paramilitary organizations which (a) are too powerful to be suppressed by the security forces under the legal system as it presently stands, (b) if judged by the same standards as the security forces constitute a gigantic, ongoing human-rights violation, and (c) if associated with the civilian and nongovernmental organizations which protect them from the security forces, implicate the former as major human-rights violators.

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