Rush Who?

Sunday, July 6th, 2008

Former-Finn Ilkka at The Fourth Checkraise asks, I wonder how many random people outside America, if you asked them, could tell you who Rush Limbaugh is:

Way less than one percent, I’m sure. Which is pretty amazing when you remember that he is currently the highest-paid media personality in America, having just signed a new contract worth $400 million. (How many other media figures well enough known to be household names would you need to add up to get to that?) Yet the media silence about him is absolutely airtight, almost as if he didn’t even exist at all. Every other celebrity or political figure, major and minor, gets at least an occasional nod, but I really have to stretch my memory to remember the last time Rush got anything at all, other than that schadenfreude Oxycontin case. Perhaps this best illustrates the extent that society and media becoming deeply fragmented since those good old times when only the major networks existed and continuously parroted the official party line.

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