Brilliant or a sham? Questions asked over Ingrid Betancourt rescue

Saturday, July 5th, 2008

Kidnapping is big business and has been for some time, but no one wants to admit that they pay off — and thus encourage — kidnappers.

It didn’t take long for some to wonder, Was the Ingrid Betancourt rescue brilliant or a sham?

Swiss public radio cited an unidentified source “close to the events, reliable and tested many times in recent years” as saying the operation had in fact been staged to cover up the fact that the US and Colombians had paid $20 million for their freedom. [...]
French media have also raised questions about Ms Betancourt’s relatively healthy appearance after her release, compared with the gaunt and haggard look of her last video from captivity. French state radio suggested the hostages may have been given food and medicine to return them to health before their release. There was no suggestion that the hostages knew they were to be released.

Dominique Moisi, one of France’s leading foreign policy experts, said that it was “probable” that the Farc had been paid money as part of the “infiltration” of their command. “They were bought in order to turn them around, like Mafia chiefs,” he said on French state television, as Ms Betancourt’s plane was taxiing up to the terminal in Paris.

This wouldn’t be the first time a Latin American regime faked a rescue operation.

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