
Tuesday, February 5th, 2008

Afterworld describes itself as an immersive, multi-platform, sci-fi series:

Sometime between 5 and 6 AM EST, the world as we knew it suddenly, inexplicably, changed. After traveling to New York City on a business trip Russell Shoemaker wakes to find all electronic technology dead and more than 99% of the human race missing. Driven by a need to discover the truth and determined to return to his family, he embarks on a journey to his home in Seattle.

AFTERWORLD is the harrowing story of Russell’s 3000 mile trek across a post-apocalyptic America as encounters the strange new societies rebuilding themselves. Along the way, he is forced to confront his greatest fears while unraveling the mystery of what caused this global event.

The site is darkly beautiful, and the “video” content reminds me of how effective a narrated slide show can be — and how “uncanny” CGI humans look.

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