Why superheroes always win

Wednesday, November 14th, 2007

New Scientist explains why superheroes always win:

Physicist Pablo Gleiser of the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research in Buenos Aires, Argentina, studied the social web within the fictional universe of Marvel comics, comprising 6486 characters in 12,942 issues. Taking two characters to be linked if they appeared in the same issue, he found a superficially realistic social network. A small fraction of characters – notably the superheroes themselves – had far more links than most others, acting as key social hubs. “The Marvel universe looks almost like a real social network,” says Gleiser (www.arxiv.org/abs/0708.2410).

However, even prominent arch-villains always played marginal social roles at the periphery of the network, says Gleiser.

(Hat tip to Collision Detection.)

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