Seeing the Heavens in Hi-Def

Monday, September 17th, 2007

Astronomers are Seeing the Heavens in Hi-Def, from earth, not space, with remarkably cheap equipment:

Can a $20,000 camera coupled to a 60-year-old telescope shoot sharper images than the $1.5 billion Hubble Space Telescope? Absolutely, say astronomers from the University of Cambridge and the California Institute of Technology.
To create their system they made the most of an existing technology, adaptive optics, and enhanced it with a super-high-speed digital camera that’s capable of shooting 20 images every second, says Nicholas Law, a Caltech postdoctoral scholar who worked on the Lucky project.

Adaptive optics is a way of correcting the atmosphere’s distortion of light as it enters the telescope. A sensor measures the distortion and corrects most of it using a flexible mirror that shifts the light back into straight lines. Then the Lucky camera shoots in rapid-fire fashion, and astronomers select the images that capture moments when atmospheric distortion is minimal.

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