U-Va.’s One-Year Wonder

Thursday, September 21st, 2006

U-Va.’s One-Year Wonder, David Banh, didn’t just finish his college degree in one year — he double-majored, in math and physics, while having most of his tuition paid for by a variety of scholarships:

Banh went to U-Va. with the equivalent of 72 college credits [from AP exams]. It takes 120 to graduate, and the school requires that at least half come from U-Va. classes.

The typical course load is 15 credits a semester.

His first semester, he took 23 credits and found he had more time than he did in high school to spend with friends, playing games (video games or board games, he clarified, not drinking games). Or just hanging out.

“I don’t feel like I missed out,” he said. “Most of college was euphoria.”

He had some low points, especially late in April when the workload for his 37 credits seemed crushing, and his grades started to slip. (To some Bs.)

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