The Age of Post-National Warfare

Thursday, August 10th, 2006

Arnold Kling is normally quite mild-mannered. In The Age of Post-National Warfare, he’s not:

I believe that what we need going forward is a policy of disarming Muslims. I believe that we must keep devout Muslims away from weapons, and keep weapons away from devout Muslims. I can work with Muslims, send my children to school with Muslims, and be friends with Muslims. I do not have an issue with their religion, as long as they do not have weapons. However, the combination of weapons and Islam poses unacceptable danger to the rest of us.

To see what I mean, take a pencil and paper, and list all of the violent international disputes in the last five years that have involved Muslims. Next, come up with a list of all of the international disputes in the last five years involving Muslims that have been settled peacefully. For me, the first list is rather long, and the second list is rather, well, empty.

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