The Holy Grail in a Grain of Rice

Tuesday, June 27th, 2006

Dr. Henry I. Miller descrobes The Holy Grail in a Grain of Rice:

The researchers found that when lactoferrin and lysozyme are added to rice-based oral rehydration solution, the duration of children’s illness is cut from more than five days to three and two-thirds. This improvement is thought to be caused by the antimicrobial effect of lysozyme, which has long been known to be one of the primary protective proteins in breast milk. Moreover, over the twelve-month follow-up period, the children who had received the lactoferrin and lysozyme had less than half the recurrence rate of diarrhea (eight percent versus eighteen percent in the controls). This effect is probably caused by lactoferrin, which promotes repair of the cells of the intestinal mucosa damaged by diarrhea.

These developments represent significant progress in managing diarrhea and keeping it from becoming a chronic, recurring health risk.

What makes this approach feasible is Ventria’s invention of a method to produce human lactoferrin and lysozyme in genetically modified rice, a process dubbed “biopharming.” This is an inexpensive and ingenious way to synthesize the huge quantities of the proteins that will be necessary. (In effect, the rice plants’ inputs are carbon dioxide, water and the sun’s energy.)

Naturally this “holy grail” is the target of protests.

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