How to Get Condi to Power

Monday, February 20th, 2006

In How to Get Condi to Power, Uriah Kriegel explains how “the notion of a Rice presidency is appealing to three different groups within the GOP”:

First and foremost is the moderate wing of the party. Secretary Rice combines an unwavering hawkish foreign policy with socially moderate positions on abortion, race relations, etc. She is a deeply religious person who is nonetheless not, politically speaking, guided by religion. And as such, she appeals to Republicans worried about the rise of Evangelicals evident during the Bush presidency.

Obviously, Rice not only represents, but also embodies, the socially inclusive element in the Party of Lincoln.
This is also part of her appeal to a second Republican group — the libertarian/meritocratic wing headed by anti-regulation, small-government Republicans and associated Big Business interests. Despite the challenges presented by her racial and socioeconomic background, Rice ascended to her current stature on the merit of her intellectual and moral character.
This also ties to the third group Rice appeals to, the “Emerging Majority” Republicans and the pragmatically-oriented apparatchiks and wonks in conservative think-tanks throughout the country. This wing may value Rice’s moderation (and competence) not only for its own sake, but also for its political potential.

There are obstacles though:

First of all, successful presidential candidates who have never been previously elected to office are extremely rare in American history, and tend to be retired generals (e.g. Eisenhower).

Second, Rice has been able to sustain her unblemished integrity precisely because she has never run for office. As long as she speaks in favor of freedom and democracy, she is bound to look dignified; once she speaks in favor of herself, sustaining the image of integrity would require some political skill we simply don’t know whether she has.

Third, personal facts about Secretary Rice are likely to present a challenge to her candidacy. Rice is a strong and independent single woman in her fifties who has never been married.

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