Apple Mighty Mouse: Hands On Review

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2005

Russell Beattie’s Apple Mighty Mouse: Hands On Review describes the product many potential Mac-switchers have been waiting for:

So, after all that, how does it work? Well, it’s different! I guess I didn’t read the Apple page about the Mighty Mouse very closely, because I didn’t realize that that nub you see is actually a scroll ball which moves in two directions! It definitly gives you some tactile feedback, which is nice. I was afraid that it’d be too smooth, but it gives off a slight ‘click click click’ sound when scrolling, and with each tick a small movement of the page. I loaded up FireFox and my website to test and it works great, I also opened Preview and zooomed way into a picture and tried the left-right movement as well and that also works — no diagnol though, it’s one direction or the other at a time (and you can turn these on/off in the settings as well). I’m pretty used to the BIG scroll wheels on most mice, so this will take a little getting used to, but it definitely works as advertised.

There’s no other moving parts besides the main clicker. I’m not sure what sort of magic Apple put into this thing, but it detects left, right and middle clicking accurately, even though there’s no other buttons. It’s pretty wild. What’s amusing is that I used a one-button mouse for a while when I first got my Mini, and I kept ‘right-clicking’ using that mouse and obviously nothing happened. The same movement, and the same feeling on this mouse actually causes a right-click event — it’s very cool. The middle click also works (fantastic for multiple tabs in Firefox — and a deal breaker if it wasn’t there), and again, there’s no moving parts in the middle click, you simply press down on the scroll ball and a middle click happens.

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