Armed robots soon marching to battle?

Saturday, December 4th, 2004

Armed robots soon marching to battle? describes the new armed Talon robot, or SWORDS — Special Weapons Observation Reconnaissance Detection System — and its armament:

Different weapons can be interchanged on the system — the M16, the 240, 249 or 50-caliber machine guns, or the M202?A1 with a 6mm rocket launcher. Soldiers operate the SWORDS by remote control, from up to 1,000 meters away. In testing, it?s hit bulls eyes from as far as 2,000 meters away, Tordillos said. The only margin of error has been in sighting, he added.


The system runs off AC power, lithium batteries or Singars rechargeable batteries. The control box weighs about 30 pounds, with two joysticks that control the robot platform and the weapon and a daylight viewable screen.

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