Digital Cameras Appropriated for Automobile Safety – Help Deter Distracted Drivers

Thursday, October 21st, 2004

While using a “cell phone while driving can increase chances of an accident by 400 percent,” new digital-camera technology may reduce the risk of such distractions. From Digital Cameras Appropriated for Automobile Safety – Help Deter Distracted Drivers:

Digital cameras are now being used in cars to keep drivers awake and less distracted. The cameras are used as part of the automotive vision system; some cameras scan drivers? eye movements to detect where the driver is looking, while others watch the road for animals or pedestrians. If a pedestrian crosses the street in front of a car with the automotive vision system, the digital cameras will see the person and scan the driver?s eyes to check for alertness. If the driver is not paying attention, an alarm will alert the driver. According to a study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, about 25 percent of all automobile accidents and 68 percent of rear-end crashes are caused by distracted drivers.

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