At Pitt, Scientists Decode The Secret of Getting Grants

Monday, June 28th, 2004

Working as a scientist is as much about getting grants as performing the actual science, and Pitt is actracting negative attention from scientists for its focus on getting grants. From At Pitt, Scientists Decode The Secret of Getting Grants:

To make sure Pittsburgh stays ahead of the pack, Dr. Kupfer runs an intensive “survival skills” course for young postdoctoral fellows in psychiatry to train them in the fine points of applying for their first grants, typically about $600,000 for five years. The biggest trick young scientists need to learn, he says, is to focus their proposals more narrowly. To Dr. Kupfer, it’s almost like marketing or branding. “You need a T-shirt,” he constantly exhorts his charges, by which he means a quick phrase that tells the world what the research stands for.

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