Richard Sandrak – The Little Hercules

Thursday, October 2nd, 2003

I don’t know why I was recently reminded of Richard Sandrak – The Little Hercules, but there’s something fascinating about an eight-year-old with six-pack abs:

At 8 years old Richard Sandrak is the strongest human in the world, pound for pound. It was apparent early on in his life that Richard was gifted. Father Pavel, a World Martial Arts Champion and mother Lena, an Aerobics competitor, quickly realized that they had a young prodigy on their hands. When they introduced him to light training and martial arts at the age of two his development took off in a big way and continued to improve until they sought to find an appropriate outlet for him to focus his voluminous energy and talents. If at any time they believed all of it to be a passing phase, time and Richards persistence worked to discard the notion.

Eventually Pavel and Lena contacted Frank and Sherry Goggin-Giardina to take their son under experienced wings and work with him to hone his flourishing abilities. Sherry — a Fitness America Champion and fitness cover model having graced the covers of Physical, Ironman, Muscle and Fitness, Oxygen and Musclemag and Frank — a former competitive bodybuilder with a degree in Nutrition and a major in Physical Education, were stunned when they first laid eyes on their young charge. They could not believe the level of conditioning he possessed. With 1.5% body fat and good shape on his chest, triceps, and legs — they had never seen anything like him.

The photos on his own site have a certain freak-show allure.

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