Baghdad City Cop

Wednesday, October 1st, 2003

Mr. Kerik, a former chief of the New York City Police Department, has just returned from a four-month stint in Baghdad as senior policy adviser to Ambassador Bremer. In Baghdad City Cop, he describes a few videos he had to watch:

In my four months in Iraq, spent living with, working with, and learning from Iraqi police, I’ve seen things that would sicken the worst of minds. In our hunt for the Fedayeen Saddam, Saddam Hussein’s trained assassins, I watched video after video of interrogations of Iraqis whose lives ended with the detonation of a grenade that was tied to the neck or stuffed in the shirt pocket of the victim. I watched the living bodies disintegrate at the pull of the pin. And if that’s not enough, there’s a tape of Saddam sitting and watching one of his military generals being eaten alive by Dobermans because the general’s loyalty was in question.

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