Terrorism’s family tree

Thursday, May 8th, 2003

In Terrorism’s Family Tree, George Walden reviews Terror and Liberalism by Paul Berman:

This is the best book I have read on Muslim fundamentalism and what to do about it. Paul Berman writes in the excellent American weekly The New Republic. His self-description as a Social Democrat suggests a European approach to the Middle East, yet his intelligence, breadth of culture, honesty and courage are a world away from the moralistic grandstanding of slithy toves like Chris Patten, Dominique de Villepin and Joschka Fischer. The clarity of his thought cuts through their evasions like a knife through butter, as Berman looks the evil of totalitarian Islam in the face.

Based on Walden’s use of “slithy toves,” I may have to embrace his opinion wholeheartedly and buy Terror and Liberalism.

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