Ebola Kills 100 in Congo, Wipes Out Gorillas

Tuesday, March 11th, 2003

As Ebola Kills 100 in Congo, Wipes Out Gorillas points out, it’s not just humans dying from Ebola:

The deadly Ebola virus has killed 100 people in the remote forests of Congo Republic and wiped out nearly two-thirds of the gorillas in a reserve.
“In the sanctuary of about 1,200 gorillas we are now down to just 450 gorillas. We have recorded the disappearance of 600 to 800 gorillas,” she said, adding the outbreak could spread to the nearby Odzala park and might then contaminate forests in Gabon.

“If Odzala is also contaminated by the epidemic, that’s nearly 20,000 gorillas under threat. That’s very serious, catastrophic,” she said.

Here’s another sad element:

Scientists believe this outbreak was triggered by the consumption of infected monkey meat. Bush meat is a staple among remote forest communities and deemed a delicacy in many cities.
Despite scientists’ efforts to change villagers’ eating habits and burial rites, which can involve handling the internal organs of corpses, many believe occult forces are at work.

Four teachers accused of casting a spell to cause the latest Ebola outbreak were stoned and beaten to death in February.

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