In the Philippines, Stuntmen Take On a New, More Dangerous Role

Tuesday, January 28th, 2003

I couldn’t make this stuff up. From In the Philippines, Stuntmen Take On a New, More Dangerous Role:

Instead of diving through windows or having chairs broken over his back, Mr. Espinosa and other unemployed stuntmen free-lance for the government’s Videogram Regulatory Board for as little as $5 a day. They raid the illegal, back-alley factories that flood the streets of Manila with hundreds of thousands of pirated CDs and DVDs.

In recent years, the Philippines’ movie industry has been decimated by rampant video piracy, making gigs for stuntmen such as Mr. Espinosa few and far between.

As you can see, it’s out of their high-minded sense of propriety that Filipino stuntment protect the sanctity of intellectual property rights.

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