America’s Ultra-Secret Weapon

Tuesday, January 21st, 2003

According to Time‘s America’s Ultra-Secret Weapon, the US has High-Power Microwave weapons, ready to knock out Iraq’s electronics:

HPMs are man-made lightning bolts crammed into cruise missiles. They could be key weapons for targeting Saddam Hussein’s stockpiles of biological and chemical weapons. HPMs fry the sophisticated computers and electronic gear necessary to produce, protect, store and deliver such agents. The powerful electromagnetic pulses can travel into deeply buried bunkers through ventilation shafts, plumbing and antennas. But unlike conventional explosives, they won’t spew deadly agents into the air, where they could poison Iraqi civilians or advancing U.S. troops.

While it’s a pleasant surprise that EMP weapons could knock out Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, isn’t the high-tech US military even more susceptible to such weapons? We’re the guys trying to run the war via GPS.

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