How Removing Trees Can Kill You

Wednesday, June 19th, 2013

Trees are good for your health:

There’s been some famous research showing that people recover faster from surgery and take fewer drugs if their hospital room has a view of trees. Other research — including some of my own — has shown that mothers with more trees around their homes are less likely to have underweight babies. It’s been shown that if you put people in a natural environment, it can reduce their blood pressure, heart rate and other measures of stress.

So removing trees can kill you:

The trees died first. One hundred million of them in the eastern and midwestern United States. The culprit: the emerald ash borer, a beetle that entered the U.S. through Detroit in 2002 and quickly spread to Iowa, New York, Virginia and nearly every state between. The bug attacks all 22 species of North American ash and kills nearly every tree it infests.

Then came the humans. In the 15 states infected with the bug starting, an additional 15,000 people died from cardiovascular disease and 6,000 more from lower respiratory disease compared with uninfected areas of the country.

A team of researchers with the U.S. Forest Services looked at data from 1,296 counties, accounted for the influence of other variables — things like income, race, and education — and came to a simple conclusion: Having fewer trees around may be bad for your health.


Wednesday, June 19th, 2013

Hesketh Prichard in Army UniformMajor Hesketh Vernon Hesketh-Prichard, DSO, MC, FRGS, FZS was the most interesting man in the world:

Major Hesketh Vernon Hesketh-Prichard, DSO, MC, FRGS, FZS (17 November 1876 – 14 June 1922) was an explorer, adventurer, big-game hunter and marksman who made a significant contribution to sniping practice within the British Army during the First World War. Concerned not only with improving the quality of marksmanship, the measures he introduced to counter the threat of German snipers were credited by a contemporary with saving the lives of over 3,500 Allied soldiers.

During his lifetime, he also explored territory never seen before by white man, played cricket at first-class level, including on overseas tours, wrote short stories and novels (one of which was turned into a Douglas Fairbanks film) and was a successful newspaper correspondent and travel writer. His many activities brought him into the highest social and professional circles. Despite a lifetime’s passion for shooting, he was an active campaigner for animal welfare and succeeded in seeing legal measures introduced for their protection.

He was born in India and raised by his mother, because his father died six weeks before he was born. He went by the nickname “Hex” throughout his life. He created the first fictional psychic detective, Flaxman Low.

He wrote Where Black Rules White: A Journey Across and About Hayti. He sought the long-extinct giant ground sloth in Patagonia.

And then, at age 37, he found his way to the trenches, where he trained snipers.

Stay thirsty, my friend.

When the Moon Sets, Watch Out

Tuesday, June 18th, 2013

In Afghanistan, when the moon sets, watch out, Michael Yon warns:

Last Friday night, the moon phase left Afghanistan in near total darkness. Even with clear skies, the enemy knew that at the brightest moment, the moon would only appear as an irrelevant orange sliver. Such times are called “red illumination,” or “red illum.” Planning calendars in Afghanistan highlight periods of red illum because they hamper aviation.

Even though this is the year 2012, and the Curiosity Rover is beaming images from Mars more than four decades after astronauts first trod on the lunar surface, the moon phase remains important when planning operations. The moment that the nighttime attack on Camp Bastion was reported, the moon phase could have been safely guessed without looking up.

In every respect, Southern Afghanistan is a dark part of the world. Without moonlight, most villages are black at night. The brightest places in the country are our bases. Cultural lights present little danger to Taliban moving at night. Our air assets, including our aerostat balloons, are often their biggest concern.

This war is mature. The enemy knows us, and we know them. After 11 years, the Taliban realizes that most helicopter traffic ceases during red illum. Most birds will only fly for urgent MEDEVAC, or for special operations. The enemy closely observes our air traffic. Operations slow under red illum, so air traffic declines, and the chances of being spotted by roving aircraft are reduced.

There is a misconception that UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) such as Predators can detect everything. They cannot. Their field of vision is like looking through a toilet paper roll. The UAVs are great for specific targets, such as watching a house, but imagine patrolling. It is like trying to visually swat mosquitoes using no ears, no sense of touch, and only the ability to look through a toilet paper roll. You will get some, and miss many.

We only have enough UAVs to cover small splotches of the country, and there are bases, roads, operations, and targets spread throughout Afghanistan and elsewhere that need watching. The enemy can spoof observers by using a “pattern of life” (POL) for camouflage. So even if our UAV operators see apparently unarmed natives moving, it is no guarantee of early detection.

Our UAVs over Afghanistan fly with their strobes flashing to avoid collisions. If a Predator or Reaper crashes into a commercial airliner because it was flying blacked out while staring at the ground, that is a problem. The enemy can see our UAVs from miles away.

A key realization: the enemy uses cheap night vision gear in the form of cameras that have night functions. When our IR lasers, our IR strobes, our IR illumination or our IR spotlights are radiating, they can easily be seen using cheap digital cameras. I recently told this to some Norwegian soldiers, who were as surprised as our soldiers to learn it. I learned this from the enemy, not from our guys. The Taliban even use smart phone cameras to watch for invisible lasers. The enemy in Afghanistan has been caught using cameras for night vision. It is just a stroke of common sense: I have been doing it for eight years since I noticed an IR laser one night in Iraq.

A Norwegian trooper explained that one dark night in Afghanistan, they got ambushed with accurate but distant machinegun fire. When they turned off their IR strobes, the fire ended. When they turned the IR strobes back on, the fires resumed. When they turned them off for good, it was over.

Many of our people believe that the enemy does not use night vision. There was a time when this was true, but the war has matured and this is now false. If your firefly is strobing on your helmet, or if you are carrying a cracked IR chemlight, do not be surprised if you take accurate fire during a black night. When JTACs mark targets with IR lasers, or when aircraft such as Predators lase for Hellfire shots or for target ID, they look like purple or green sunbeams through night vision optics and they are crazy bright. You cannot miss them.

To maximize chances of success for an assault such as that at Bastion last Friday, the Taliban know that it is best to start early, on a moonless night, just after red illum has begun. Other Afghans engaged in normal masking movements can provide POL camouflage. The enemy knows that only “Terry Taliban” is skulking around after midnight, so they start early when possible.

By 7PM last Friday, the night was very dark, and by 8PM, it was thick and black, making it a perfect time to close in on the target. Camp Bastion would appear lit up like Las Vegas, standing alone, glowing like a giant bubble of light in the “Desert of Death.” On the darkest nights, the lights of Bastion sometimes reflect orange off the clouds above, and they can be seen for miles around, causing Afghans to ask why the base glows like the morning sun, yet they do not have a drop of electricity. The days of goodwill and hope are over.

During periods of utter darkness, many of our light-intensifying systems are useless. There is not enough light for them to work with, which is why many aircraft do not fly during red illum. This also affects ground troops whose systems likewise do not have enough light to intensify, and it reduces their air cover, and thus all air and ground operations.

How the Mid-Victorians Worked, Ate and Died

Tuesday, June 18th, 2013

Clayton and Rowbotham look at how the mid-Victorians worked, ate and died — which was surprisingly well, really:

Analysis of the mid-Victorian period in the U.K. reveals that life expectancy at age 5 was as good or better than exists today, and the incidence of degenerative disease was 10% of ours. Their levels of physical activity and hence calorific intakes were approximately twice ours. They had relatively little access to alcohol and tobacco; and due to their correspondingly high intake of fruits, whole grains, oily fish and vegetables, they consumed levels of micro- and phytonutrients at approximately ten times the levels considered normal today.


Given that modern pharmaceutical, surgical, anaesthetic, scanning and other diagnostic technologies were self-evidently unavailable to the mid-Victorians, their high life expectancy is very striking, and can only have been due to their health-promoting lifestyle. But the implications of this new understanding of the mid-Victorian period are rather more profound. It shows that medical advances allied to the pharmaceutical industry’s output have done little more than change the manner of our dying. The Victorians died rapidly of infection and/or trauma, whereas we die slowly of degenerative disease. It reveals that with the exception of family planning, the vast edifice of twentieth century healthcare has not enabled us to live longer but has in the main merely supplied methods of suppressing the symptoms of degenerative diseases which have emerged due to our failure to maintain mid-Victorian nutritional standards.

Monopoly and Violence Prevention

Monday, June 17th, 2013

Gun nut Caleb jokes that if the Democratic party were truly interested in preventing violence, they’d ban family games of Monopoly:

Actually, they’ll probably try to ban Monopoly sooner than later, because it teaches capitalism.

The funny thing is that Monopoly was originally designed as a piece of anti-capitalist propaganda, but it backfired terribly when people clearly enjoyed bankrupting each other more than sharing.

The Sexual Harassment Panic

Monday, June 17th, 2013

John Derbyshire discusses the sexual harassment panic surrounding our modern military:

Men who join the military are responding to widespread, innate male urges — the urge to break things and kill people, for example. Women who join the military are, by contrast, outliers in their sex. They are eccentric and prone to behave eccentrically. As a designated victim group, they are especially susceptible to the associated pathologies, e.g., victim hoaxes for attention, spite, or cash reward.

Read the whole thing and follow his many high-quality links — especially the last one.

How to Become Dictator

Monday, June 17th, 2013

As a science fiction writer and a student of history — and an American conservative — Orson Scott Card spins a scenario about how, like Augustus Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolph Hitler, and Vladimir Putin, Barack Obama could become lifetime dictator without any serious internal opposition:

Keep in mind that he already governs unconstitutionally, with czars and without a budget. He bullies his opponents, and ignores crimes by his own team. He treats Congress with contempt — both Republicans and Democrats.

Having been anointed from the start of his career because he was that magical combination — a black man who talks like a white man (that’s what they mean by calling him “articulate” and a “great speaker”) — he has never had to work for a living, and he has never had to struggle to accomplish goals. He despises ordinary people, is hostile to any religion that doesn’t have Obama as its deity, and his contempt for the military is complete.

You’d think that such a man could not possibly remain in office past the Constitutional limit of two terms — but I think the plan is already in place.

Look at how Hillary Clinton is being set up as the fall guy on Benghazi. Her lies under oath will destroy her in the run-up to the 2016 election, while the press will never hold Obama’s feet to the fire.

This is because Michelle Obama is going to be Barack’s Lurleen Wallace. Remember how George Wallace got around Alabama’s ban on governors serving two terms in a row? He ran his wife for the office. Everyone knew Wallace would actually be pulling the strings, even though they denied it.

Michelle Obama will be Obama’s designated “successor,” and any Democrat who seriously opposes her will be destroyed in the media the way everyone who contested Obama’s run for the Democratic nomination in 2008 was destroyed.

But the plan goes deeper than this. Barack Obama, like Hitler and the Iranian dictators, announced his plan, though the media (as with Hitler) has “forgotten” it.

Barack Obama needs to have a source of military power that is under his direct control. Like Hitler, he needs a powerful domestic army to terrify any opposition that might arise.

Obama called for a “national police force” in 2008, though he never gave a clue about why such a thing would be necessary. We have the National Guard. We have the armed forces. The FBI. The Secret Service. And all the local and state police forces.

The trouble is that all of these groups have long independent histories and none of them is reliably under Barack Obama’s personal control. He needs Brown Shirts — thugs who will do his bidding without any reference to law.

Obama will claim we need a national police force in order to fight terrorism and crime. The Boston bombing is a useful start, especially when combined with random shootings by crazy people.

Where will he get his “national police”? The NaPo will be recruited from “young out-of-work urban men” and it will be hailed as a cure for the economic malaise of the inner cities.

In other words, Obama will put a thin veneer of training and military structure on urban gangs, and send them out to channel their violence against Obama’s enemies.

Instead of doing drive-by shootings in their own neighborhoods, these young thugs will do beatings and murders of people “trying to escape” — people who all seem to be leaders and members of groups that oppose Obama.

Already the thugs who serve the far left agenda of Obama’s team do systematic character assassination as a means of intimidating their opponents into silence. But physical beatings and “legal” disappearances will be even more effective — as Hitler and Putin and many other dictators have demonstrated over and over.

All the abuses of the Patriot Act that Bush was accused of, but never actually did, will be the standard operating procedure of Obama’s personal army, the NaPo.

But the media will cover all the actions of the NaPo as if it were merely a full-employment program for unemployed urban youth. Or if they finally wise up (maybe after a few reporters disappear), they’ll be cowed into submission very quickly.

Meanwhile, Obama will use the NaPo to whip the U.S. military into shape. The armed forces are largely recruited from among the half of American society that doesn’t vote for Barack Obama. So they will be relentlessly underfunded and disarmed; prominent generals who might become foci of resistance to Obama will be destroyed as Petraeus was.

As for gun control, it will hardly be necessary. Obama already has his program of ammunition control. Guns without bullets are decorative. And he will have armored cars for the NaPo, precisely so that right-wing militia types can’t use snipers against them.

These are simple steps, but they have worked for every dictator ruthless enough to use them. Most people want only to be left alone; Obama will leave them alone as long as they shut up and do what they’re told.

But it won’t be just the NaPo. Once the government has firm control of health care, we’ll find that the families of his opponents don’t qualify for expensive medical care. Their children and parents will be medical-care hostages.

Once we get the clear idea that people or groups — or even regions — that oppose Obama simply don’t get any medical care, it will rarely be necessary to send in the NaPo armored cars.

By the election of 2018, both parties will only field candidates approved by Obama’s people. And since polling places will be supervised closely by the NaPo, people casting — and counting — the votes will know what is expected.

The Congress will become the rubber stamp that Obama already treats them like. There will be no more subpoenas. No more testifying before committees that sometimes ask hard questions.

The Supreme Court justices who might oppose him will retire, or suffer medical accidents, and be replaced by judges who think the Constitution means whatever politically correct opinion needs it to mean.

And if some brave congressmen or local governments try to oppose him, they will be put on trial on trumped-up charges — to which they will usually plead guilty, in exchange for continuing medical care (or employment) for their families.

By the time Michelle has served her two terms, the Constitution will have been amended to allow Presidents to run for reelection forever. Obama will win by 98 percent every time. That’s how it works in Nigeria and Zimbabwe; that’s how it worked in Hitler’s Germany.

And you can be sure that those unionized teachers who spewed venom and hatred in Wisconsin will be ready to brainwash America’s children about the glories of Obama-style “freedom.” Any teachers who don’t follow the union program will be fired.

Almost all the mechanisms are already in place. It just takes a tweak here and there, and America is ready to be the country that is worthy of a Beloved Leader like Barack Obama.

All right, the game is over. We don’t seriously think any such thing will happen.

But if we learn anything from history, it’s this: Anything can happen. American democracy, already a pale shadow of what it once was, is only a couple of centuries old.

Like the Roman Republic, it will be easy for people to conclude that a Constitution written for a bunch of backwater provinces simply can’t meet the needs of the World’s Only Superpower.

The editorial writers at the New York Times and Washington Post are ready right now to talk warmly about “post-democratic America” and explain why it’s about time we eliminated the ability of primitive Republicans, with their neanderthal reliance on “guns and religion,” to obstruct the onward march of Enlightened government.

They already hate democracy. They already demonize anyone who opposes them, and believe that their opponents have no right to be heard, and that courts should force their program on the ignorant masses.

They are already fascists in their hearts. They love Barack Obama precisely because his arrogance is so emblematic of their own sense of superiority.

Hitler came to absolute power because the military and businessmen of Germany saw him as the one to put their opponents in their place.

That’s how the American elites — the educational establishment, the unions, the media — already see Obama. Like Hitler’s allies, they won’t understand what a monster they’ve created until his power is so entrenched that he can turn it against them. And then it will be too late.

That’s what history teaches us — it can happen anywhere. And when the historians write about it after the fact, they will point out how obvious all the signs were from the start — the way they write about Hitler now. Why did so many people go along with him?

Because his allies thought they could control him. They thought he would serve their goals. Obama has been put into power by idiots who think they control him even now. They think that because he’s so phenomenally uneducated and lazy, they are smarter than he is. That he is their puppet.

But then, without such fools, history wouldn’t be such interesting reading.

Will these things happen? Of course not. This was an experiment in fictional thinking.

Project Loon

Sunday, June 16th, 2013

Google’s Project Loon brings “everyone” the Internet — via balloon:

This description of the technology notes that the ballons are solar powered and navigate by rising or falling to catch winds moving in the right direction:

A Glamorous Killer Returns

Sunday, June 16th, 2013

A glamorous killer returns to its ancestral hunting grounds:

Long ago the Inca called them puma, but today — though they belong to only one species — they have many names. In Arizona they are known as mountain lions; in Florida they are panthers, and elsewhere in the South they are called painters. When they roamed New England, they were called catamounts. In much of the Midwest they are known as cougars, and that is the name everyone understands.

Until relatively recently, they were mainly a memory. All but exterminated east of the Rockies by 1900, they were treated as “varmints” in most Western states until the late ’60s and could be shot on sight. In Maine, the last catamount was killed in 1938.

But today Puma concolor is back on the prowl. That is one of the great success stories in wildlife conservation, but also a source of concern among biologists and other advocates, for their increasing numbers make them harder to manage — and harder for people to tolerate. No reliable estimate exists for the cougar population at its lowest point, before the 1970s, but there are now believed to be more than 30,000 in North America. They have recolonized the Black Hills of South Dakota, the North Dakota Badlands and the Pine Ridge country of northwestern Nebraska.

There are increasing reports of sightings in 11 Midwestern states, as well as in Arkansas and Louisiana. A young male tripped a trail camera in the Missouri Ozarks on Feb. 2, and dogs treed one in Minnesota in March.


The center of cougar genetic diversity is in Brazil, but the Western Hemisphere has six robust subspecies in all. The Florida panther was listed as endangered in 1995, when eight Texas female cougars were released in South Florida in a last effort to save them from extinction. It worked. The Florida panther, it turned out, is a North American cougar whose kinked tails, heart defects, small litters and short lives were consequences of prolonged inbreeding. From fewer than 30 in 1995, the panther population in southwestern Florida has grown to more than 150.

Some people ask, why would anyone want to infest the nation with maneaters?

The Nazis, A Warning From History

Saturday, June 15th, 2013

I recently read Hitler’s declaration of war against the US and some of his other speeches and writings, after realizing that we never read anything by the most infamous man in history in our history classes in school.

Commenter Wobbly though I might enjoy the BBC documentary, The Nazis, A Warning From History, and I did find it thought-provoking.

If you read what Hitler actually said and wrote, he does obsess about the Jews, and he does equate them with Bolsheviks — which is odd if they’re also a race of scheming bankers. The first episode explains where this “crazy” idea might have come from. For one thing, the leadership of the Munich Soviet Republic was almost entirely Jewish:

Munich Soviet Leadership

Hitler’s rise to power follows a familiar formula. Moderate conservatives need his far-right stormtroopers to keep far-left Communists in line, a crisis costs the moderates their credibility, and soon the most extreme wing of the (right-wing) revolution takes over — rather bloodlessly, in this case.

Once Hitler takes over as dictator though, he doesn’t do much dictating. For all the later complaints by the German generals that Hitler micromanaged the war and later excuses by war criminals that they were just following orders, Hitlers leads, for the most part, by simply providing the vision and letting his subordinates vie for his approval under their own initiative.

In fact, the warning from history appears to be that the Nazis did very little themselves. There were only a few dozen Gestapo for a region of millions of Germans, for instance, and there were always plenty of collaborators later in conquered territories. At the very least, people were happy to take Jewish homes, shops, winter coats, etc.

But I’m getting ahead of myself.

The Rise of the Third Reich is fascinating, because Hitler seemed to solve Germany’s problems and to solve them quickly. He put men to work, and he restored Germany’s prestige. No one wanted to start another war over, say, German troops moving back into Rhineland. When Hitler moved his troops into Austria, crowds cheered them in the streets — and again in the Sudetenland. I suspect he could have made a move for the ethnically German portions of Poland, too — if he hadn’t seized the rest of Czechoslovakia first and given up all credibility as a simple uniter of the German people.

I suppose the Polish invasion seemed like a great victory at the time, and it seemed such an odd thing to push the French and British over the edge. Oops.

Set aside some time and heed the warning:

Little Children, Big Challenges: Incarceration

Friday, June 14th, 2013

The makers of Sesame Street have designed “an educational outreach initiative for families with children (ages 3–8) who are coping with a parent’s incarceration,” called Little Children, Big Challenges: Incarceration.

Snipers of Aleppo

Friday, June 14th, 2013

Vice follows the snipers of Aleppo, Syria:

The rebels praise Allah and decry their tyrant’s snipers as worse than Israel.

Baby names reveal parents’ political ideology

Thursday, June 13th, 2013

Baby names reveal parents’ political ideology:

The results revealed that overall, the less educated the parent, the more likely they were to give their child either an uncommon name (meaning fewer than 20 children got the same name that year in California), or a unique name (meaning only one child got that name in 2004 in California). When parents had less than a college education, there were no major ideological differences in naming choice.

However, among college-educated whites, politics made a difference. College-educated moms and dads in the most liberal neighborhoods were twice as likely as college-educated parents in the most conservative neighborhoods to give their kids an uncommon name. Educated conservatives were more likely to favor popular names, which were defined as names in the top 100 in California that year.

For boys, 46 percent got a popular name in conservative areas, compared with 37 percent in liberal areas. For girls, 38 percent were given a popular name in conservative neighborhoods, compared with 30 percent in liberal neighborhoods.

Notably, the kinds of uncommon names chosen by upper-class liberals differed from the unusual names picked by people of lower socioeconomic status, Oliver said. Lower-status moms tend to invent names or pick unusual spellings of common names (Andruw instead of Andrew, for example).

“Educated liberal mothers are not making names up,” Oliver said. “They’re choosing more culturally obscure names, like Archimedes or Finnegan or, in our case, we named our daughter Esme.”

The sounds of liberal and conservative names varied, too. For both boys and girls, liberals tended to pick more feminine-sounding choices, such as Liam, Ely and Leila names that include lots of L sounds and soft-A endings, including popular choices Ella and Sophia.

Conservatives, on the other hand, tend to pick names with more masculine-sounding Ks, Bs, Ds and Ts, such as Kurt. A couple of famous national political families demonstrate that pattern, Oliver said: The liberal Obamas named their daughters Sasha and Malia, both names heavy on As and Ls, whereas the conservative Palin family picked more masculine-sounding names for both their boys and girls, particularly Track, Trig, Bristol and Piper (although third daughter Willow got a softer-sounding moniker).

The Guerrilla Myth

Thursday, June 13th, 2013

Max Boot shares the lessons that we need to learn — but haven’t — from the history of guerrilla war:

  1. Guerrilla warfare is not new.
  2. Guerrilla warfare is the form of conflict universally favored by the weak, not an “Eastern” way of war.
  3. Guerrilla warfare has been both underestimated and overestimated.
  4. Insurgencies have been getting more successful since 1945, but they still lose most of the time.
  5. The most important recent development in guerrilla warfare has been the rise of public opinion.
  6. Few counter-insurgency campaigns have ever succeeded by inflicting mass terror — at least in foreign lands.
  7. “Winning hearts and minds” is often successful as an anti-guerrilla strategy, but it isn’t as touchy-feely as commonly supposed.
  8. Most insurgencies are long-lasting; attempts to win a quick victory backfire.
  9. Technology has been relatively unimportant in guerrilla war—but that may be changing.

Army Deflates LEMV, Plans Sale Of $300 Million Hybrid Airship

Wednesday, June 12th, 2013

After spending nearly $300 million to rapidly develop a sensor-laden state-of-the-art hybrid airship, the Army plans to sell its Long-Endurance Multi-Intelligence Vehicle — and the original maker can’t, or won’t, buy it back:

Hybrid Air Vehicles, a U.K.-based company that designed and — with Northrop Grumman — built the massive hybrid airship, very much wanted to buy back the LEMV to continue developing it and exploring potential civilian uses. In fact, the company offered to take sole responsibility for the aircraft and its continued development, and to grant the U.S. military access to the innovative technology, these officials said.

However, when the Army in April offered to sell the hybrid airship back to HAV for $44 million — a price calculated from federal acquisition regulations requiring renumeration for material costs — the sum was more than the company could immediately muster, HAV business development director Hardy Giesler told

HAV countered by proposing a down payment of more than $10 million, followed by installment payments. That offer, however, was deemed by “high risk” and “unacceptable to the government,” according to John Cummings, spokesman for Army Space and Missile Defense Command, which managed the LEMV acquisition effort.

On May 29, at the direction of the Army, government officials at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, NJ, began deflating the massive LEMV — which was made from 99,000 yards of 13 different materials, stitched together through 11 miles’ worth of seams — in preparation for an informal sale this summer, in accordance with the Defense Contract Management Agency’s plant clearance disposal process, according to Cummings.

The move was a setback not only for HAV, which may still attempt to acquire the aircraft and its components, but also for military officials who believe that hybrid airships offer a range of promising combat capabilities. Just weeks after the Army acknowledged terminating LEMV as part of its fiscal year 2014 budget plan, the Defense Department’s top uniformed logistician voiced strong support for a LEMV-like capability.

“Hybrid airships represent a transformational capability, bridging the longstanding cap between high-speed, lower-capacity aircraft, and low-speed, high-capacity sealift,” Air Force Gen. William Fraser, head of U.S. Transportation Command, told the Senate Armed Services Committee on March 7. “We encourage development of commercial technologies that my lead to enhanced mobility capabilities in the future.”