
Wednesday, October 6th, 2010

High marginal taxes are like anti-overtime, Shannon Love explains:

Progressive tax rates work like anti-overtime pay. Call it undertime pay. We are all familiar with overtime. It is an ancient idea based on the physical fact that it is harder to work the last hour of work than it is to work the first. The longer you work, the more difficult it becomes to keep working. In addition, to work longer hours you have to sacrifice in non-work areas of life, family, friends and relaxation. You don’t get to stop and smell the roses as much. We’ve all experienced this reality at first hand. As the job gets progressively harder and the tradeoffs more painful, people want increasing returns per unit of time worked. We call this increasing return “overtime.”

Ironically, it is leftists who have long declared it exploitative to the point of evil to pay people a flat per-hour rate regardless of how many hours they work. Leftists feel so strongly about this principle that they have encoded it into the labor law of every developed nation. They would explode with outrage at the idea of any policy that paid people “progressively” less per unit of time the longer they worked.

Yet this is exactly what “progressive” marginal tax rates do. With marginal tax rates, the more money you make in total, regardless of how hard you worked to make it, the higher the percentage of all that money that you pay in taxes. That means that you get paid “progressively” less per unit of time worked.
You don’t need a degree in economics to understand this concept. You just need to have worked your ass off at some point in your life. That is why so many, regardless of their education, don’t get such a simple idea.

John in Boston notes that this analysis ignores an important Progressive principle:

If you believe, as Progressives do, that there is only a finite amount of income to go around, then hard working high earners are taking more than their fair share of that income. Making that additional hour of work unappealing, and thus unclaimed, leaves more work for the rest of us. Think of how the French like to create jobs: they declare by fiat that the 40 hour work week is now only 35 hours. Voila! Seven jobs (7*40) has just become 8 (8*35). Revel in the bliss of Progressive job creation!

Modern Thought Means Modern Thoughtlessness

Wednesday, October 6th, 2010

Steve Sailer shares G.K. Chesterton’s not quite modern thoughts concerning those who cannot see the difference:

Why do people think it intelligent to say, “I can see no difference!” It is nowadays quite a mark of culture to say that one can see no difference between a man and a woman, or a man and an angel, or a man and an animal. If a man cannot see the difference between a horse and a cow across a large field, we do not call him cultured; we call him short-sighted. Now, there are really interesting differences between angels and women; nay, even between men and beasts, and all such things. They are differences which most people know instinctively, as most people know a cow is not a horse without looking for its mane; or most people know a horse is not a cow without looking for horns. Whether the difference ought to count in this or that important question is a completely different matter, but it ought not really to be so difficult simply to see the difference.

… modern thought means modern thoughtlessness.

Graphic guide to Facebook portraits

Tuesday, October 5th, 2010

This graphic guide to Facebook portraits really gets going when you reach the first possibly:

Why Pioneers Have Arrows In Their Backs

Tuesday, October 5th, 2010

First-Mover Advantage is an idea that just won’t die, Steve Blank says:

The phrase “first mover advantage” was first popularized in a 1988 paper by a Stanford Business School professor, David Montgomery, and his co-author, Marvin Lieberman.[1]

This one phrase became the theoretical underpinning of the out-of-control spending of startups during the dot-com bubble. Over time the idea that winners in new markets are the ones who have been the first (not just early) entrants into their categories became unchallenged conventional wisdom in Silicon Valley. The only problem is that it’s simply not true.

The irony is that in a retrospective paper ten years later (1998), [2] the authors backed off from their claims. By then it was too late. Using this idea to differentiate themselves as the hot new Silicon Valley VCs, some of his former business school students made this phrase their rallying cry. Soon every other VC was using the phrase to justify the reckless “get big fast” strategies of dot-com startups during the Internet Bubble.

In fact, a 1993 paper by Peter N. Golder and Gerard J. Tellis had a much more accurate description of what happens to startup companies entering new markets.[3] In their analysis Golder and Tellis found almost half of the market pioneers (First Movers) in their sample of 500 brands in 50 product categories failed. Even worse, the survivors’ mean market share was lower than found in other studies. Further, their study shows early market leaders (Fast Followers) have much greater long-term success; those in their sample entered the market an average of thirteen years later than the pioneers.

Design patterns have (mostly) flopped

Monday, October 4th, 2010

Design patterns have (mostly) flopped, Andrew Stuart says:

The idea behind design patterns is that they are tried and true solutions to recurring problems in software development. When a programmer encounters one of these recurring problems they implement the appropriate design pattern to solve it. Design patterns have been worked out by some of the smartest computer scientists and tested over time so they are solid and known to be good solutions. With design patterns, the programmer does not need to come up with their own solutions to a whole range of programming challenges; instead they use pre-rolled design patterns. Design patterns save development time and lead to more flexible, reliable and robust software. Design patterns is about reusing the conceptual ideas, solution design and thinking of other people. It’s a great idea and make a whole lot of sense.

But here’s the awful truth: design patterns have (mostly) flopped.

Design patterns depend on programmers recognising those recurring problems as they encounter them. But if the programmer doesn’t recognise the problem then they don’t know that it has been solved before and they don’t know that there is a design pattern for it. Instead of applying well known solutions to common problems, programmers who don’t know design patterns are constantly reinventing the wheel and coming up with their own (probably sub-par) solutions to those problems. They are taking more time to write less reliable code.

Design patterns have flopped because most programmers don’t know design patterns well enough to recognise the recurring problems that they solve. If you don’t recognise the problem then you can’t solve it with a design pattern.

Advice to Aimless, Excited Programmers

Sunday, October 3rd, 2010

James Hague offers some advice to all those aimless, excited programmers, who want to make something using the latest technology that has caught their eye:

Stop and think about all of your personal interests and solve a simple problem related to one of them. For example, I practice guitar by playing along to a drum machine, but I wish I could have human elements added to drum loops, like auto-fills and occasional variations and so on. What would it take to do that? I could start by writing a simple drum sequencing program–one without a GUI–and see how it went. I also take a lot of photographs, and I could use a tagging scheme that isn’t tied to a do-everything program like Adobe Lightroom. That’s simple enough that I could create a minimal solution in an afternoon.

The two keys: (1) keep it simple, (2) make it something you’d actually use.

Once you’ve got something working, then build a series of improved versions. Don’t create pressure by making a version suitable for public distribution, just take a long look at the existing application, and make it better. Can I build an HTML 5 front end to my photo tagger?

If you keep this up for a couple of iterations, then you’ll wind up an expert. An expert in a small, tightly-defined, maybe only relevant to you problem domain, yes, but an expert nonetheless. There’s a very interesting side effect to becoming an expert: you can start experimenting with improvements and features that would have previously looked daunting or impossible. And those are the kind of improvements and features that might all of a sudden make your program appealing to a larger audience.

Giant Motley Penguins

Saturday, October 2nd, 2010

Researchers unearthed remains of a nearly 5-foot-tall penguin that roamed prehistoric Peru 36 million years ago — and its fossilized feathers imply that it was reddish-brown and gray, not starkly black and white:

Pigment is long gone in fossils. But left behind in feathers can be microscopic packets called melanosomes that in life contained color-producing pigments — and the shape of those melanosomes corresponds to different colors. So the researchers compared a library of melanosomes from living birds with these fossilized ones.

The big surprise is that it turns out modern penguins have large melanosomes packed into grape-like clusters, unlike those of any other known bird, while the extinct giant penguin’s smaller melanosomes resembled those of other birds, Clarke said.
The scientists can’t explain the difference. But they say it probably has to do with more than the black tuxedo coloration of today’s penguins.

Melanin, the pigment inside melanosomes, helps feathers resist breakage. So one possibility is that the melanosomes got bigger during later penguin evolution as the birds became better underwater swimmers and needed a more hydrodynamic covering.

Secret America

Friday, October 1st, 2010

What is the truth about the secret America of the 20th century? Mencius Moldbug gives his take:

The truth, which no one wanted or wants to hear, is that communism is as American as apple pie. Communism is a form of American liberalism, or progressivism. It is not, as so many anti-communists liked to suggest, an exotic foreign import. When imported from exotic lands, it’s because we exported it there in the first place. In America it may speak with a Russian accent; in Russia, it speaks with an American accent.

By the 1930s, communism with a strong Protestant flavor had become the dominant religion of American high society — the wealthiest and most fashionable Americans. But it was not yet the dominant religion of the American population, and America was a democracy. Thus the strong flavor of secrecy and intrigue, often frankly anti-democratic, that we find in the progressives of the early 20th century.

With a figure like Colonel House, for instance, the conspiracy theorist cannot find much else to ask for. Was Colonel House a free agent? Or did he report to some committee of bankers? How would we ever know? Frankly, in the Colonel’s world, the Elders of Zion hardly seem necessary.

Thus, as Quigley himself pointed out, the crusade of anti-communism was doomed from the beginning. Rather than attacking a foreign infection, anti-communism was attacking the host: the American social establishment. For this purpose it was a little short of lymphocytes. No surprise, thus, that it should fail and be consigned to historical ignominy.

Moreover, this social mismatch has been entirely rectified. What the bohemians of Greenwich Village believed in 1923, everyone in America (and the world) believes now. The beliefs of an ordinary Calvin Coolidge voter would strike the ordinary John McCain voter as outlandish, ridiculous, insane, and often downright evil. America has no surviving intellectual tradition besides progressivism — which is no more than a synonym for communism. (My own grandparents, lifelong CPUSA members, used “progressive” as a codeword all their lives.) Communism is as American as apple pie, and America today is a completely communist country.