People can come to a common conclusion for sensible reasons and for vile reasons

Wednesday, May 8th, 2019

Jared Diamond, author of Guns, Germs, and Steel, has a new book out, Upheaval: How Nations Cope with Crisis and Change, which presents a forceful if rather old-fashioned argument for the continuing importance of nationhood:

“There are about a billion Africans in Africa and almost all of them would be better off economically and politically and in terms of personal safety in Europe,” he says. “The cruel reality is that it’s impossible for Europe to admit a billion Africans but Europeans will not acknowledge this conflict between ideals and reality.”

He concedes that this stance puts him on the same side of the argument as people such as the populist Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán. “It’s unfortunate that people can come to a common conclusion for sensible reasons and for vile reasons,” he says. “But because of the relative lack of honest discussion, the issue has gotten hijacked by the racists, just as in the United States.”

Steve Sailer is a huge Jared Diamond fan:

I pointed out back in 2005 that if you read Diamond’s book Collapse carefully, you’ll notice he’s an immigration heretic.

Here’s my 1997 book review in National Review of Diamond’s Guns, Germs, and Steel.

Personally, I’m a huge Jared Diamond fan. His 1991 collection of his magazine articles, The Third Chimpanzee, helped inspire me to follow his path in switching over from a sensible career to writing highbrow popular articles.


  1. Wilson says:

    Since he freely uses the “racist” ad hominem, why shouldn’t it be assumed he has “vile reasons” too?

  2. Graham says:

    I’m not actually discerning the meaningful difference between his motives and those of Viktor Orban, other than personal distaste for Orban.

    Also the implicit assumption that the absorption of a billion AFricans would not change Europe in any way at all, or that any Africans might want to stay in their own home countries and take a shot at improving them or just living at home as best they can, or that that might be possible.

  3. CVLR says:

    The so-called “immigration crisis” is the result of deliberate policy pursued by the usual suspects.

    “Humanitarian” whatever is just a smokescreen for the simple and inarguable fact that every movement of people from their place to someone else’s coincides with an episode of conquest.

    And Diamond knows as well as anyone that every episode of conquest dilutes the loser’s gene pool.

  4. Longarch says:

    “Diamond is an idiot.”

    I suspect Diamond is intelligent but dishonest. He produces idiotic output due to malice, not due to incompetence.

    Diamond sometimes quotes — or plagiarizes — big chunks of sensible fact from better researchers. However, his end results always are at odds with reality. This does not smell like plain idiocy to me. Diamond seems to be a malicious fraudster, not an idiot.

  5. Paul from Canada says:

    He is a lot like Dave Grossman. A lot of his data and ideas are interesting, but most of the overall thesis is bullshit.

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