It made sense

Thursday, July 18th, 2013

America was conservative, prosperous, and (superficially) happy, but change came, Fred Reed notes — and it made sense:

As it turned out, there were minor downsides to these sensible policies, but nothing serious. Our children are unattended drug-ridden mall rats, often divorce wreckage, our daughters sexually used at thirteen and growing up hating men, our sons drugged by their teachers and shaped into unhappy transgendered puzzloids. Men avoid marriage because of vindictive feminist courts, the young avoid marriage because of assured divorce. The schools and universities have been enstupidated to hide the failures of particular groups and genders, merit has been superseded by group identity, and here come the Chinese.

But it makes sense.


  1. It all made perfect sense assuming all men are created equal, and women equal to men, and that profiling is hateful.

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