Better Surrender Technique

Sunday, August 14th, 2016

Everyone is talking about police violence against African-Americans, Scott Adams says, but there isn’t much discussion about practical solutions:

In the short term, the most productive approach probably involves teaching citizens how to surrender better.

You’ve probably seen tutorials on the correct way to handle a traffic stop by police. You should put both hands on the top of the steering wheel, fingers open and outstretched, and wait for the police officer to give you permission to reach for your wallet. If you have time before the officer gets out his car, your wallet should already be out and on the dashboard so you don’t have to reach for it in a suspicious-looking way. That’s good surrender technique, and I think it would work for many situations.

But I think we can simplify it even more.


Communication experts will tell you that a message is only as credible as the sender. Your first interaction with a police officer will tell him – accurately or not – who you are. So if the first impression looks like rebellion, the officer will interpret everything that follows according to that model. If the first impression is obvious concern for mutual safety, you put the officer on your side from the start. Once you have established yourself as a respectful citizen who is primarily interested in safety, any ambiguous communication on your part will be seen through that filter.

Jocko discussed the same thing in a recent podcast.

Of course, many people already “surrender” just fine, and others don’t, and one might notice certain patterns…


  1. Bob Sykes says:

    The real solution is more segregation. White police should not interact with blacks. We have black police for that. If the riots still occur with black police, then we should withdraw police from the black slums, and prevent young black males from leaving them.

  2. Wilbur Hassenfus says:

    I thought he was going to address the grave national crisis of police not surrendering correctly to certain types of citizens.

    This stuff with citizens surrendering is a non-starter, aside from the “many people” you mention.

  3. Ross says:

    Chris Rock

    Nothing else required.

  4. Slovenian Guest says:

    That and read “Arrest Proof Yourself”.

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