Russia’s Poseidon is an Intercontinental Nuclear-Powered Nuclear-Armed Autonomous Torpedo:
It is a giant torpedo which can hit coastal cities with devastating results. Compared to an intercontinental ballistic missile it is very slow, but possibly unstoppable.
The weapon’s expected speed, around 70 knots, is fast enough to make it realistically uncatchable to existing torpedoes. And its operating depths, perhaps as deep as 1,000 meters (3,300 feet) puts it beyond reach. Western planners will have to develop new weapons to intercept it. And that will take considerable time and investment.
A nuclear reactor gives the weapon essentially unlimited range. This gives it new levels of operational flexibility in terms of launch and target locations. Although it is restricted to at-sea or coastal targets, such as New York, Los Angeles. It can be launched from under the protection of the ice cap, or from coastal waters.
The Soviets were working on stuff like this back in the 1950s. This looks like an upgraded version. Pretty fearsome, but given that the Russians could currently just send fifty or sixty agents across our open southern border with suitcase nukes and get more or less the same results, also pretty redundant.
Jerusalem is among the only ancient or modern capitols that are inland from a sea. I am sure this is a coincidence.
We used to build stiff like this. See…SLAM.
I think they canceled it because it was so awful they felt it was provocative to even produce it.
Not only did it fire nukes out the tip of it, its radiation plume behind it poisoned everything it flew over.
Fortunately, I can’t think of any US coastal city I’d much regret losing. (Sorry, Texans, Houston is a shithole too.)