Initial analysis of the White Settlement church shooting

Wednesday, January 1st, 2020

John Correia of Active Self Protection broke his usual 72-hour rule to provide an initial analysis of the White Settlement church shooting, because there was surveillance footage available:


  1. Slovenian Guest says:

    Here is a 30-minute one by “think like a cop”:

  2. Kirk says:

    The key thing I notice, looking this over: No reaction appropriate to the potential for this being a complex event with more than one attacker.

    First guy raises his head, starts shooting; second or third notes reaction, identifies the armed responders, and then initiates their own attack, shooting the armed responders who’ve unmasked.

    It’s sad to say, but you have to stay one step ahead of the crazies, and the next one is going to be a complex attack with multiple branches. It’s a never-ending attack-defend seesaw, until one side or another decides enough is enough. You saw similar things going on in the settlement phase of the Old West–The Indian/bandits would do their thing, the settlers would react, and it all escalated until the final decision was made to put an end to it all via the out-of-context attack on the Indian food source, the buffalo. Effective extinction of the buffalo ended the Indian depradations, and the increase in civilization in the form of railroads and telegraph lines eliminated the bandit problem.

    Similar efforts need to be made, today. A clear, cold-blooded analysis needs to be made of where these people are coming from, and then the actions need to be taken in order to eliminate the source and their support. In our case, I suspect that one branch of that effort needs to be offering extensive one-way helicopter tours to most of our academics, and the elimination of their breeding grounds in the academy.

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